Welcome to the CodeIgniter 4 Blog Application. This open-source project is a basic yet fully functional blog application migrated from CodeIgniter 3 to CodeIgniter 4.
- Blog Post Management: Create, update, delete, and manage blog posts with ease.
- User Management: Handle user registrations, logins, and profile updates.
- Roles & Permissions: Implement different user roles with specific permissions.
- Dynamic Menu Generation:
- Modernized Codebase: Benefit from the enhancements and improvements of CodeIgniter 4.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/JohanDhana/blog-ci4.git cd codeigniter4-blog
**2.** Set CI_ENVIRONMENT, baseURL, index page, and database config in your `.env` file based on your existing database (If you don't have a `.env` file, you can copy first from `env` file: `cp env .env` first). If the database does not exist, create the database first.
# .env file
CI_ENVIRONMENT = development
app.baseURL = 'http://localhost:8080'
app.indexPage = ''
database.default.hostname = localhost
database.default.database = ciblog
database.default.username = root
database.default.password =
database.default.DBDriver = MySQLi
5. Run development server:
php spark serve
6. Open in browser http://localhost:8080/
Default user and password
| No | User | Password |
| 1 | john | 1234 |
You can find how it works with the read code routes, controller and views etc.
Contributions are very welcome.
This package is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.