Pulses LIFX lights to the beat of songs being currently played on Spotify with two different colors that are varied with every song.
- Spotify account
- LIFX light(s)
- Spotify client id (tutorial below)
- Spotify client secret (tutorial below)
- LIFX access token (tutorial below)
1. Get LIFX access token
2. Get Spotify client id and client secret, and set redirect URI
Create an app
Press edit settings, then once in the Spotify project settings add https://www.google.com/ as the redirect URI
3. Fill out metronomeconfig.txt
- Open metronomeconfig.txt
- Paste your LIFX token and your Spotify client id, secret, and username in the respective spots in the file
- You can choose the pool of colors that the lights could be, the brightness, and the lights per beat in this file as well
- Save the file
4. Download requirements.txt
- After downloading requirements.txt open terminal or command prompt
- Make sure pip is installed (if not, search "how to install pip")
- Go to the directory where this project is saved in
- Run: pip install -r requirements.txt in the command line to install the necessary libraries
5. Sign in to Spotify in Metronome for Lifx app
- Run metronomeforlifx.py in terminal/command prompt
- Sign in to Spotify account when prompted in browser
- If sign in was successful, copy the URL of the page that you were redirected to after signing in (google.com/...). This is for authorization purposes. If sign in is unsuccessful re-run the program and attempt to sign in again
- Paste this URL into prompt in command line
- Make sure LIFX lights are on and online
- Make sure metronomeconfig.txt is filled out with valid information
- Make sure metronomeconfig.txt, requirements.txt, and metronomeforlifx.py are all in the same directory on your computer
- Make sure a valid Spotify song is playing on the same account you signed in to
- Make sure you have https://www.google.com/ saved as the redirect URI in your Spotify app settings