Core Changes
- ✨ code box component and copy feature by @JohnsonMao in #39
- ✨ heading anchor feature by @JohnsonMao in #41
- ✨ add link component feature by @JohnsonMao in #42
- ✨ rehype plugin image metadata feature by @JohnsonMao in #43
- ✨ add image component feature and refactor code by @JohnsonMao in #44
- ✨ add progress bar feature by @JohnsonMao in #45
- ✨ add use intersection observer hook by @JohnsonMao in #46
- ✨ add TOC component by @JohnsonMao in #47
- ✨ add comment component by @JohnsonMao in #50
- ✨ add i18n middleware by @JohnsonMao in #52
- ✨ feature generateRSS function by @JohnsonMao in #65
- ✨ add container component by @JohnsonMao in #78
- ✨ add footer component and refactor class name by @JohnsonMao in #80
- ✨ add card component by @JohnsonMao in #82
Documentation Changes
- 📝 update readme file and remove prettier file by @JohnsonMao in #87
Misc Changes
- 🌐 i18n setting and test by @JohnsonMao in #53
- 👷 add CI workflows by @JohnsonMao in #67
- 👷 add codecov config by @JohnsonMao in #69
- 📝 update image metadata by @JohnsonMao in #81