This is a project on a dairy business to monitor production and sales. This is my third independent project at Moringa school. The project was quite challenging but i managed to pull it through. I divided my work in the followung sections; navigation,welcome section,body consisting of dashboard gallery and footer. The program allows user input, then calculates the produce per day, income per week, month and year.
HTML - which was used to build the structure of the pages.
CSS - which was used to style the pages incuding the left aside navigation bar
javascript-to make it interactive
- Custom CSS
MIT License
Copyright (c) [2022] [Joseph K Kirigo]
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this project and associated documentation files
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the project.
by Joseph Kimani Kirigo.