npm i
npm run dev
go to localhost:3000
staging has to be deployed for it to work
npm run build
npm run deploy-production
or deploy-staging
firebase-tools must be installed globally
in functions directory
npm i
firebase login
firebase use (staging-or OR production)
npm run deploy
update inputs to be controlled by graphql drag and drop functionality with graphql in modal add authorization and authentication to graphql server
- setup scrolling through multiple versions of recipe.
- if original recipe has no photo, use the next updated photo.
- Move image resize logic into cloud functions.
- Make adding a recipe more of a guided experience. start with source.
- Wake up web scrapper when the page loads to make it quicker to load.
- Make image uploading a better experience.
- Keep modal centered in screen.
- Optimize recipe loading for lists and modals.
- Route Logins from create new and my recipes to the correct page after login.
- Make a logo
- Update top nav.
- Add loading state
- Link to URL's and to books on Amazon
- Links to books on Amazon should be linked to a company Amazon account.
- Add a point system for how many users have a copy of your recipe, extra points if it's unchanged, and extra points if the recipe has been cooked many times.
- clear blank arrays before checking for updates when opening confirmation modal.
- style buttons on modal recipe
- make a logo for the site
- Full screen view while cooking allows screen to go to sleep (not sure if it's possible)
- Full screen modal not working on ipad and iphone (might need to create an app)
- Support mobile
- Support all browsers
- get react router to work in development HMR