Sim_Crowd is a 2D crowd simulator implemented in Python. This project is still under developpement. This simulation is based on Fast Marching Method (FMM) by using the library scikit-mpe developped by espdev (link to the project below).
Project is based on Python 3.8.10 Using virtualenv is recommended. On linux use these command :
pip install virtualenv
cd my_project_folder
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
deactivate # to exit from venv environnement
Then you can run where you can simulate a crowd, is a test code to simulate 1 particle crowd movement.
An archive is available where you can find test code.
Finally if you want to make a recording of the matplotlib simulation, the FFmpeg software is necessary, it is in download with the code.
scikit-mpe- Extracting a minimal path in N-dimensional Euclidean space (on regular Cartesian grids) using the fast marching method.
scikit-fmm- Python implementation of the fast marching method
FFmpeg - Video encoder