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Hadoop stack

Using Hadoop 3.2.1 over debian 9 with JDK-8. The stack deploys a multi node hadoop with the following components installed.

  • Flume 1.7.0
  • HBase 2.2.4
  • Pig 0.17.0
  • Hive 3.1.2
  • PostgreSQL 12.2.0
  • Zookeeper 3.4.10


Before stating the compose or the swarm deployment the base container needs to be created. This can be done by running:


Then the rest of the images can be built with:

docker-compose build

For swarm to run docker-compose docker-machine are needed.

Hadoop Compose single node

A fixed sized multi node node hadoop installation with just a single node. Easy to use, manage and deploy with docker-compose. New node managers or data nodes can be added manually to create a new fixed size deployment (not recommend, instead use swarm).

Do not start both swarm and compose at the same time, namespaces may collide.

Starting containers

  docker-compose up

Stopping the containers

  docker-compose down

Hadoop Swarm multi node

The full multi node hadoop potential is unleashed. Each component can be replicated which will extend the number of instances of data nodes and node managers.

Starting swarm

This will build the images needed for the swarm. Also the containers can be build manually before starting the swarm.

  ./ up

Swarm will start a swarm visualizer on port 8080.

Stopping swarm

  ./ down

Accessing services

If swarm mode is used localhost needs to be changed for the IP that swarm creates for its entry point, that IP is printed when swarm up is run. Also it can be checked with:

  docker-machine ls

It will be the IP of the master.

Extracting data with flume

  docker-compose -f docker-compose-data.yml up flume

By modifying docker-compose-data.yml env.SOURCE parameter container execution can be changed. Options are:

  SOURCE: "TwitterSpainpbKeywords"
  SOURCE: "TwitterSpainPB"
  SOURCE: "TwitterMadrid"
  SOURCE: "TwitterKeywords"
  SOURCE: "TwitterBarcelona"

To access the container:

  command: "bash"

Moving data from hdfs to hbase with pig

  docker-compose -f docker-compose-data.yml up pig

By modifying docker-compose-data.yml command parameter container execution can be changed. Options are:

  command: "pig -x local /scripts/analysis.pig"
  command: "pig -x mapreduce /scripts/analysis.pig"

To access the container:

  command: "bash"

Exploiting Twitter

By following the Lambda architecture this hadoop installation can be used by performing the following actions:

  1. Create Hbase and Hive tables if not yet created
  2. Extract data from Twitter with Flume and save it on HDFS
  3. Load that data from HDFS into Hbase
  4. Delete the data from HDFS
  5. Repeat from step 2

This actions have already been implemented leaving the data ready to use in Hive by running


Configuring hadoop

The available configurations are:

  • /etc/hadoop/core-site.xml CORE_CONF
  • /etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml HDFS_CONF
  • /etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml YARN_CONF
  • /etc/hadoop/httpfs-site.xml HTTPFS_CONF
  • /etc/hadoop/kms-site.xml KMS_CONF
  • /etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml MAPRED_CONF

If you need to extend some other configuration file, refer to base/ bash script.