It is a Covid-19, Pneumonia and Normal Chest X-ray detection Web-App 🖥 where you can detect the X-ray from the given 3 classes, Flask is used to serve backend with the fronted.
We've trained the Detection model using two algorithms that is CNN and VGG16. We have used CNN model in Web-app because CNN produced a testing accuracy of 95.17% beating VGG16 by 4%.
The Dataset we've used to train our models is here.
You can find Colab file to train CNN model from here here.
You can find Colab file to train VGG16 model from here here.
After training the model, we have created a Flask Web-Application that can easily diagnose the covid-19, pneumonia and normal from the uploaded chest X-ray image.
- Dowload or clone this repo and open it in any IDE like VSCode, PyCharm, etc.
- Install the required libraries that are neccesary from requirements.txt using
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Go to the file
- Run the code
- Testing Accuracy and Graph of the CNN-Model:
- Testing Accuracy and Graph of the VGG16-Model:
You can find the video demonstration of the project from here.
Feel free to open an issue. We'll be glad to help you.❤️