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Juju Adams edited this page Mar 22, 2021 · 4 revisions


CleanEllipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY)

Returns: Ellipse struct

Name Datatype Purpose
x number x-coordinate of the ellipse's center
y number y-coordinate of the ellipse's center
radiusX number Radius of the ellipse's x-axis, in pixels
radiusY number Radius of the ellipse's y-axis, in pixels

N.B. A shape will only draw when you call the .Draw() method.


Ellipse structs have the following methods:



Returns: N/A (undefined)

Name Datatype Purpose


.Blend(color, alpha)

Returns: self

Name Datatype Purpose
color 24-bit color Color of the shape
alpha number Alpha value of the shape


.BlendRadial(colorInner, alphaInner, colorOuter, alphaOuter)

Returns: self

Name Datatype Purpose
colorInner 24-bit color Inner color of the shape
alphaInner number Inner alpha value of the shape
colorOuter 24-bit color Outer color of the shape
alphaOuter number Outer alpha value of the shape


.Border(thickness, color, alpha)

Returns: self

Name Datatype Purpose
thickness number Width of the border, in pixels
color 24-bit color Color of the border
alpha number Alpha of the border