This python module provides a simple to use function to download and extract the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 database of coloured images that were collected by Alex Krizhevsky, Vinod Nair, and Geoffrey Hinton.
load_CIFAR(db, path=None, normalise=True, flatten=True, onehot=True)
db - int : Dataset annotation. Accepted value is either 10 or 100 to
refer to CIFAR-10 or CIFAR-100 datasets.
path - str: MNIST datasets directory. Default to current directory/MNIST.
Create if nonexistant. Download any missing MNIST files.
normalise - boolean: yes -> pixel RGB values [0,255] divided by 255.
no -> pixel RGB values [0,255].
flatten - boolean: yes -> pixels of all images stored as 2D numpy array.
no -> pixels of all images stored as 4D numpy array.
onehot - boolean: yes -> labels stored as one-hot encoded numpy array.
no -> labels values used.
Returns a nested dictionary:
{'train': {'images': train_images, 'labels': train_labels},
'test': {'images': test_images, 'labels': test_labels}}
train_images = CIFARimages(batch_label=[byte strings],
filenames=[byte strings],
nrows=32, ncols=32,
if normalise, pixels dtype='float64'
else, pixels dtype='uint8'
if flatten, pixels.shape=(50000, 3072)
else, pixels.shape=(50000, 3, 32, 32)
train_labels = CIFAR10labels(batch_label=[byte strings],
labels_str=() with 10 byte-str,
labels=np.array() dtype='uint8')
if onehot, labels.shape=(50000, 10)
else, labels.shape=(50000)
train_labels = CIFAR100labels(batch_label=[byte strings],
coarse_labels_str=() with 20 byte-str,
fine_labels_str=() with 100 byte-str,
coarse_labels=np.array() dtype='uint8',
fine_labels=np.array() dtype='uint8')
if onehot, coarse_labels.shape=(50000, 20)
fine_labels.shape=(50000, 100)
else, coarse_labels.shape=(50000)
test_images = CIFARimages(batch_label=[byte strings],
filenames=[byte strings],
nrows=32, ncols=32,
if normalise, pixels dtype='float64'
else, pixels dtype='uint8'
if flatten, pixels.shape=(10000, 3072)
else, pixels.shape=(10000, 3, 32, 32)
test_labels = CIFAR10labels(batch_label=[byte strings],
labels_str=() with 10 byte-str,
labels=np.array() dtype='uint8')
if onehot, labels.shape=(10000, 10)
else, labels.shape=(10000)
test_labels = CIFAR100labels(batch_label=[byte strings],
coarse_labels_str=() with 20 byte-str,
fine_labels_str=() with 100 byte-str,
coarse_labels=np.array() dtype='uint8',
fine_labels=np.array() dtype='uint8')
if onehot, coarse_labels.shape=(10000, 20)
fine_labels.shape=(10000, 100)
else, coarse_labels.shape=(10000)
, CIFAR10labels()
and CIFAR100labels()
are dataklass objects. On my system, they performed ~25x faster than python3 built-in dataclass objects and 5x faster than namedtuple.
CIFAR10labels().labels_str = (
'airplane', 'automobile', 'bird', 'cat', 'deer',
'dog', 'frog', 'horse', 'ship', 'truck')
cifar100labels().coarse_labels_str = (
'aquatic mammals', 'fish', 'flowers', 'food containers',
'fruit and vegetables', 'household electrical devices',
'household furniture', 'insects', 'large carnivores',
'large man-made outdoor things', 'large natural outdoor scenes',
'large omnivores and herbivores', 'medium-sized mammals',
'non-insect invertebrates', 'people', 'reptiles', 'small mammals',
'trees', 'vehicles 1', 'vehicles 2')
cifar100labels().fine_labels_str = (
'beaver', 'dolphin', 'otter', 'seal', 'whale',
'aquarium fish', 'flatfish', 'ray', 'shark', 'trout',
'orchids', 'poppies', 'roses', 'sunflowers', 'tulips',
'bottles', 'bowls', 'cans', 'cups', 'plates',
'apples', 'mushrooms', 'oranges', 'pears', 'sweet peppers',
'clock', 'computer keyboard', 'lamp', 'telephone', 'television',
'bed', 'chair', 'couch', 'table', 'wardrobe',
'bee', 'beetle', 'butterfly', 'caterpillar', 'cockroach',
'bear', 'leopard', 'lion', 'tiger', 'wolf',
'bridge', 'castle', 'house', 'road', 'skyscraper',
'cloud', 'forest', 'mountain', 'plain', 'sea',
'camel', 'cattle', 'chimpanzee', 'elephant', 'kangaroo',
'fox', 'porcupine', 'possum', 'raccoon', 'skunk',
'crab', 'lobster', 'snail', 'spider', 'worm',
'baby', 'boy', 'girl', 'man', 'woman',
'crocodile', 'dinosaur', 'lizard', 'snake', 'turtle',
'hamster', 'mouse', 'rabbit', 'shrew', 'squirrel',
'maple', 'oak', 'palm', 'pine', 'willow',
'bicycle', 'bus', 'motorcycle', 'pickup truck', 'train',
'lawn-mower', 'rocket', 'streetcar', 'tank', 'tractor')
from cifar_10_100 import load_CIFAR # Import function from module
db10 = load_CIFAR(10) # Get CIFAR-10 database using default settings
train_images = db10['train']['images'].pixels # A 50000x3072 numpy array with float64 values
train_labels = db10['train']['labels'].labels # A 50000x10 numpy array with uint8 values
test_images = db10['test']['images'].pixels # A 10000x3072 numpy array with float64 values
test_labels = db10['test']['labels'].labels # A 10000x10 numpy array with uint8 values
db100 = load_CIFAR(100) # Get CIFAR-100 database using default settings
train_images = db100['train']['images'].pixels # A 50000x3072 numpy array with float64 values
train_flabels = db100['train']['labels'].fine_labels # A 50000x100 numpy array with uint8 values
train_clabels = db100['train']['labels'].coarse_labels # A 50000x20 numpy array with uint8 values
test_images = db100['test']['images'].pixels # A 10000x3072 numpy array with float64 values
test_flabels = db100['test']['labels'].fine_labels # A 50000x100 numpy array with uint8 values
test_clabels = db100['test']['labels'].coarse_labels # A 50000x20 numpy array with uint8 values
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