Hearthstone sunk cost calculator & addiction deterrent You will create a deck from current meta and this application will output your eventual spent (wasted) time, and money.
- Winrate of user deck related to current meta's most popular builds.
- Length of time of deck viability (When you'll have to create a new deck) i.e. start all over.
###Included Standard Card Set Only: Updated: 04/13/2019
- Basic
- Classic
- The Witchwood
- The Boomsday Project
- Rastakhan's Rumble
- Rise of Shadows
- Naxxramas
- Goblins vs Gnomes
- Blackrock Mountain
- The Grand Tournament
- League of Explorers
- Whispers of the Old Gods
- One Night in Karazhan
- Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
- Hall of Fame
- Journey to Un'Goro
- Knights of the Frozen Throne
- Kobolds & Catacombs
##[Future Games to be decided]
- 5 cards per pack
- COMMON - Maximum of 4 in a pack.
- RARE - At least 1 rare or better in each pack.
- EPIC - Average of 1 every 5 packs.
- LEGENDARY - Average of 1 every 20 packs.
- Common -
- Rare - 18%
- Epic - 4%
- Legendary - 1%
Only playing Standard Play
Play 3 hours a day (Minimum)
Average game length 7.5 minutes (median of deck playstyle types)
Average number of games: 24
Winrate 50%
Average wins a day = 12
Gold Earned per 3 wins = 10
Total Gold from 12 wins a day = 30
Ave Gold earned per completed quest = 70
Total Ave Gold earned a day = 100
##For Developers
- To start locally run "yarn dev"