Clean version started for use with ICTindeWolken IoT project
Related to project:
Credits: Ted v d T --> re-coding the Project
To use this project for a basic gps tracker:
(1) Assemble the device
- begin with the Lora32u4
- add curly antenna
- add 400mAh Lipo to charger port
- add BN-180 micro GPS by connecting GND-Tx-Rx-VCC to Gnd-10-11-3V3 on the Lora32u4.
(2) Test: load your Ardiuno environment
- add the libraries from supplied zip
- open a blink example and confirm correct workings of the device
- open the supplied arduino_test_GPS.ino, and confirm correct workings of the device and gps. Leave the device connected so the GPS can get a fix on locaton.
(3) Register the device with TTN
- In your TTN account, if needed create a TTN app with decoder as supplied in decoder.txt, and add HTTP integration to the S3 bucket (detailed instructions available). If ballooning, do not integrate with ttnmapper.
- In your TTN app, add a device (have ttn generate all fields) and change to ABP mode and change to NOT check for frame counter. If ballooning, use bal as the first 3 letters in the device name.
(4) Program as GPS tracker
- open supplied arduino_juniorIOT_Lora32u4_basic.ino
- Confirm payload size is defined as: #define PAYLOADSIZE 40
- Copy the devices' TTN sample code to define the keys to your keys.h
- Send the program to the Lora32u4, and review progress in the serial monitor.
(5) Confirm and play
- Check and confirm if seen in TTN console
- Check and confirm if seen in S3 integration, at
- Check and confirm if seen in game map
- Check and confirm if seen in today's balloon tracker list and map (only if device name starts with bal)
(6) Add tracker icons to the map?
- create a 150x150 transparent png where image mainly is in the middle 100x100 pix. Ipload to S3 game /icons subfolder and optionally also to track/icons subfolder for balloons