Interactive chat message history view of chatbot project (course project for COMP4431 Artificial Intelligence).
- View and interact with chatbot chat messages/history.
- Import chatbot history data by uploading history CSV file.
- Try out Vue.js framework on a small, static webpage!
- Visit app website
- Upload chatbot history history.csv (see history_example.csv in repo for example data)
- Interact with chat message history, filtered by:
- Date: datepicker shows days of available chat messages
- Session: list of sessions recorded during chatbot project (date/time range, duration, and no. of messages)
- Speaker: select messages sent by each speaker only
- Vue.js - JavaScript framework for building UI views
- VueMaterial - Material Design for Vue.js
- PapaParse - JavaScript library for CSV parsing
- V-Calendar - Calendar/datepicker plugin for Vue.js
- Moment.js - JavaScript date/time library