Macros for use of analyizing ILL data using GRSISort v4.0. GRSISort can be found here. A general guide on how to analyze data using GRSISort can be found in the GRSISort wiki through the above link, or directly through the useful links section of this README.
Below are basic descriptions of each folder.
CalFiles: Contains example .cal
files used to identify different types of detectors.
RunInfo: Contains example .info
files used when sorting .lst
files with GRSISort.
SourceData: Contains transition data from (n,γ) sources, or other nuclei relevent to expierments and wished to be used with the TNucleous
Macros: Special macros for analyizing AnalysisTrees. These macros are intended to perform corrections to data and analyize final spectra of a experiment. Examples include energy calibration, gain matching, and analyizing angular correlations.
GRSIProof_Macros: Contains macros used with GRSIProof (a variation of Root's regular PROOF and selectors). These macros usually produce matricies for evauluating data, or analyzing particular aspects of an experiment.
Src: Reusable source code is contained here. In particular, code which is intended to be shared between a macro used with GRSIProof and regular macros