Releases: KFreon/KFreons-ME3Explorer
Test V2.3
Fixed whoops where DLC wouldn't show-up so couldn't scan.
ME1 and 2 still don't work.
EDIT: Updated package.
EDITED: Updated again.
EDITEDED: This is getting unreal...
EDITEDEDED: Still not making this a new release.
EDITEDEDEDED: Ok this version is finally ready. Much thanks to Kinkojiro and Ottemis for testing the weirdness.
Test version 2.2
Fixed a bunch of tree and UI related bugs.
Added global error handler so tracking weird errors should be easier.
Preview: Fix for V2
Fixed FTS Exclude All not working.
Added top level debug handler to catch any weird crashes.
Made Texplorer null-aware again after having removed it due to nulls getting stripped out during treescan.
- Since vanilla-ing without running a null check is still viable and sensible, wanted to ensure no crashes.
Next Stage V2
Texplorer tested a little.
TPFTools implemented a tested a little.
Good luck :)
Pre-Alpha-Initial-Young Release
TPFTools added and seems to work with next to no testing.
Texplorer Initial Release
EDIT: WHOOPS it doesn't even start. My bad.
EDIT2: Should be fixed now.
Only Texplorer implemented.
It might work, it might not.
Just for progress' sake.