This project was made by Kingman and written in Python using the Discord library
It is a simple administrative bot that contains a number of administrative commands that work with specific Roles (RoleID) on the server
- Step 1 clone the project
git clone
- Step 2 Now you have to upload files to a hosting provider to run the files 7/24h LIKE Or you can shorten the time and click here AUTO CLONE TO REPLIT
- Step 3 Go to .replit File and Paste the
language = "python3"
run = "python"
- Step 4 make a .env File and paste This Info
# your bot token
TOKEN = Yor Bot Token
# support role
# can active members / clear chat / lock channel / mute members /set nick / warn
SUPPORT_ROLE = 826543776360038421
# member role
MEMBER_ROLE = 826543779678781511
#admine role
# can kick & ban & addrole
ADMINE_ROLE = 826543777355005982
# ban log
BAN_LOG = 826543748120051755
#black list manager
# can add blacklist role
BLACK_LIST_MANAGER = 826543776067485736
# black list role
BLACK_LIST_ROLE = 826535037197353010
# black list log
BLACK_LIST_LOG = 826543748120051755
# kick log
KICK_LOG = 826543748120051755
# the mute role
MUTE_ROLE = 826543778508701697
# add role log
ADD_REMOVE_ROLES_LOG = 826543748120051755
# warn log
WARN_LOG = 826543748120051755
# mute log
MUTELOG = 826543748120051755
- Step 5 add this Code To file
from flask import Flask
from threading import Thread
app = Flask('')
def main():
return "KMCodes!"
def run():"", port=8080)
def keep_alive():
server = Thread(target=run)
تم إنشاء هذا المشروع بواسطة Kingman وكُتب بلغة Python باستخدام مكتبة Discord
هو روبوت إداري بسيط يحتوي على عدد من الأوامر الإدارية التي تعمل مع أدوار معينة (دوريد) على الخادم
- الخطوه الاولى انسخ البروجيكت على جهازك عبر الامر الاتي
git clone
الخطوة الثانية عليك رفع البوت على خادم لكي يعمل البوت 24 اعة انا انصحك بريبل ات او اختصر الخطوة الاولى عبر الضغط هنا AUTO CLONE TO REPLIT
الخطوة الثالثة عليك الذهاب الى ملف **.replit ** ولصق المعلومات
language = "python3"
run = "python"
- الخطوة الرابعة عليك انشاء ملف باسم .env ولصق هذا الكود
# your bot token
TOKEN = Yor Bot Token
# support role
# can active members / clear chat / lock channel / mute members /set nick / warn
SUPPORT_ROLE = 826543776360038421
# member role
MEMBER_ROLE = 826543779678781511
#admine role
# can kick & ban & addrole
ADMINE_ROLE = 826543777355005982
# ban log
BAN_LOG = 826543748120051755
#black list manager
# can add blacklist role
BLACK_LIST_MANAGER = 826543776067485736
# black list role
BLACK_LIST_ROLE = 826535037197353010
# black list log
BLACK_LIST_LOG = 826543748120051755
# kick log
KICK_LOG = 826543748120051755
# the mute role
MUTE_ROLE = 826543778508701697
# add role log
ADD_REMOVE_ROLES_LOG = 826543748120051755
# warn log
WARN_LOG = 826543748120051755
# mute log
MUTELOG = 826543748120051755
وعليك استبدال المعلومات الموجوده
- الخطوة الخامسة اذهب الى ملف و قم بلصق هذه المعلومات
from flask import Flask
from threading import Thread
app = Flask('')
def main():
return "KMCodes!"
def run():"", port=8080)
def keep_alive():
server = Thread(target=run)