This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite with Server-Side Rendering (SSR). Example project - Vite + Vue3
See: Vite guide for Server-Side Rendering .
npm install
Compile and Hot-Reload for Development. See: HMR
npm run dev
Compile and Minify for Production. See: bulding for production
npm run build
Compile and test application locally. See: testing locally
npm run preview
Compile SSR app for Development. See: Dev Server
npm run node:dev-server or npm run node:server
Compile SSR app for Production. See: SSR for production
npm run build:two
NOTE: before run this script and two next, delete /dist directory, if existed, for watch changes.
Pre-Rendering / Static-Site Generation (SSG). See: pre-rendering
npm run generate
SSR Externals dependencies. See: external
npm run build:noExternal