#Simurosot SimuroSot is an event in FIRA which consists of a server which has the soccer game environments and two client programs with the game strategies.
Platform : Windows (Visual Studios)
##User Manual
Download Simulator and Strategy folder from the FIRA website and move it to C drive .
Clone the repository to your directory.
If running the project for first time:
i. Under cloned folder , open ConsoleDebugger and then open ConsoleDebugger.sln file (Visual Studios sln) ii. Build -> Build Solution -
In cloned repository , open "Run.bat" in text editor
i. Edit line 4:
COPY C:"YOUR FOLDER PATH"\Simurosot\Release\Strategy.dll C:\Strategy\blue ii. Make sure all paths corresponds to their correct file -
In cloned repository , open Simurosot and then open Strategy.sln file (Visual Studios sln)
Code the strategy , Build it and open "Run.bat" by double-clicking it