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Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegre

This repo contains the projects for Udacity Data Analyst Nanodegre.

Project 1: Exploring US Bikeshare Data (1.Bike_Sharing/)


Performed an exploratory analysis on data provided by Motivate, a bike-share system provider for many major cities in the United States. Compared the system usage between three large cities: New York City, Chicago, and Washington, DC. Discovered differences within each system for those users that are registered, regular users and those users that are short-term, casual users.

Keywords: python, maplotlib, csv, data collecting, data wrangling, data visualization, statistics, data analysis

Project 2: Investigating a TMDb Dataset (2.Investigating_a_tmdb_dataset/)


Investigaed a TMDb dataset. Compared the most popular genre in each decade and identified the properties assocaited with high revenues' movies.

Keywords: python, pandas, numpy, matplotlib, data wrangling, data visualization, statistics, data analysis

Project 3: Analyzing AB Test Results (3.AB_Test/)


Understood the results of an A/B test run by an e-commerce website. Helped the company understand if they should implement the new page, or keep the old page.

Keywords: python, probability, ab test, z score, p value, logistic regression