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Kalbintion Kier edited this page Apr 29, 2017 · 1 revision

giveaway is a core command found with Kdkbot. This command is the basis of starting and stopping a giveaway in a channel.


giveaway <start> <keyword> | <pick> [n] | <stop> | <reset> | <add> <user> | <remove> <user>

Since the above can be a bit annoying to decipher, the syntax for each sub-command is as follows:

  • giveaway start keyword
  • giveaway pick [n]
  • giveaway stop
  • giveaway reset
  • giveaway add user
  • giveaway remove user


giveaway start keyword is the way to start a giveaway in a channel. keyword is replaced by what the user wants to use for the entry word. This word can appear anywhere in a users message to enter the giveaway.

Pick [n]

giveaway pick n is the way to pick a winner from a giveaway. This command can be used while the giveaway is still active. If no number is supplied, it will pick 1 winner. If n is supplied then it will attempt to pick n winners for the giveaway. If n is larger than the number of entrants, it is instead all entrants who entered.

Note that if a giveaway isn't restarted then the winner(s) will still be in the list and may be picked again.


giveaway stop is the way to stop a giveaway in a channel. This will prevent further entrants from entering into the giveaway pool.


giveaway reset is used to reset the entrants from a giveaway if there is an active giveaway, in which users will have to re-enter. If it isn't active it will reset the keyword and the entrants list.


giveaway add user is usable only by the channel operator, or permission level 5. This command manually adds user to the giveaway pool list.


giveaway remove user is usable only by the chanel operator, or permission level 5. This command manually removes user from the giveaway pool list.

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