Hey there! I'm Kamran, a seasoned software engineer with over 4 years of solid experience in crafting innovative tech solutions. My forte? Building dynamic websites, mobile apps, blockchain marvels, and AI wonders using state-of-the-art technologies.
- β HTML
- β CSS
- β Bootstrap
- β MUI
- β Chakra
- β JavaScript
- β Typescript
- β React.js
- β Next.js
- β Vue.js
- β Node
- β Nest
- β API Development
- β Firebase
- β MongoDB
- β Postgres
- β MySQL
- β Web3 Integration
- β Custom Smart Contracts (Polygon, Ethereum, BSC, Solana)
- β Solidity
- β Rust
- β Chatbot Development
- β OpenAI Integration
- β TG Bot Development
- β React Native
- β 50+ Blockchain Projects (from efficient smart contracts to seamless web3 integration)
- β 150+ Websites (Social Media, E-commerce, EdTech, FinTech, POS)
- β 2 Mobile Apps (FinTech, EdTech)
- β 5+ AI Solutions
As a software developer, I thrive on keeping pace with the latest trends and tech advancements. Rest assured, I'm all about delivering top-notch results, be it a simple website or a sophisticated blockchain app.
Ready to bring your project to life? Reach out today, and let's embark on a journey to create something truly remarkable together!