This repository contains scripts which convert schedules in data frame or csv format to ics format files compatible with calendar feeds. contains the function which converts dataframes to ics files. script which converts the WHRI Computational Biology Journal Club schedule to an ics file feed
Input data frame must be of the format:
Subject | Start Date | Start Time | End Date | End Time | All Day | Description | Location | UID |
Event 1 | Event 1 | Event 1 | Event 1 | Event 1 | Event 1 | Event 1 | Event 1 | Event 1 |
Event 2 | Event 2 | Event 2 | Event 2 | Event 2 | Event 2 | Event 2 | Event 2 | Event 2 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Event n | Event n | Event n | Event n | Event n | Event n | Event n | Event n | Event n |
Dates must be of the format the format: YYYY-MM-DD, or at least YYYY-M-D
Time must be of the format: 12-hour (e.g. 1:45pm) or 24-hour (e.g. 13:45)
The function df_to_ics reads in five inputs:
- data - the schedule as a pandas data frame
- filename - the output filename
- Hour - Dictates whether the input time is in 12-hour or 24 hour format (input options = 12 or 24)
- calendarName - the name of the calendar when imported (default="New Calendar")
- reminder - the number of hours prior to the event at which to receive a reminder. If reminder = NULL then there is no reminder (default=NULL)
- dateFormat - The date format for your data (e.g. YYYY/MM/DD or m/d/yy etc). Default is "DD-MM-YY".
Once the ics file is created save it to github/dropbox/google drive and use this url to sync. For github open the ics file then click 'raw' and use this url. To then sync this to the calendar:
- For iCal: File > New Calendar Subscription ... > Insert URL
- For Google: + ( next to Add a friend's calendar) > From URL
- For Outlook: Add Calendar > From the Internet
The script creates a schedule for the William Harvey Computation Biology Journal Club from a google drive sheet.
import pandas as pd
from DF_to_ICS import df_to_ics
# Import the csv file and tidy the data frame
data = pd.read_csv('path to csv')
data.columns = ['Start Date', 'Subject']
data['End Date'] = data['Start Date']
data['End Time'] = "3:00pm"
data['Start Time'] = "2:00pm"
data['All Day'] = "FALSE"
data['Description'] = ""
data['UID'] = ""
data['Location'] = "JVSC biopharmacology meeting room"
df_to_ics(Filename="JC_schedule.ics", Hour=12, DF=data, Reminder=96)
Katriona Goldmann