Deep Reinforcement Learning Project developed for Udacity's Deep Learning Nanodegree. The goal for this project was to use deep reinforcement learning to teach a quadcopter how to fly. The algorithm used for learning was Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (DDPG) as described in the Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning paper.
Clone the repository:
git clone
cd quadcopter-project
Create a Conda GPU environment:
conda create -n quadcopter python=3.6 matplotlib numpy pandas jupyter keras-gpu imageio
conda activate quadcopter
or a Conda CPU environment:
conda create -n quadcopter python=3.6 matplotlib numpy pandas jupyter keras imageio
conda activate quadcopter
Create an IPython kernel for the quadcopter environment:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name quadcopter --display-name "quadcopter"
Open the Jupyter notebook for the project:
jupyter notebook Quadcopter_Project.ipynb
Before running code, change the kernel to match the quadcopter environment by using the drop-down menu (Kernel > Change kernel > quadcopter)
Visualisation of agent learning can be done using
python --help
usage: [-h] [--save] [num_episodes]
positional arguments:
num_episodes Number of episodes to render
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--save Write animation to disk instead of displaying
For example the following will generate movie.gif containing the top five training episodes in the root of the repository:
python 5 --save
The following resources were used in developing this project:
- Continuous Control with Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Neural Network Weight Regularization
- Quadcopter 3d visualsation was based on code by Daniel Ingram (daniel-s-ingram) taken from PythonRobotics repository