KICAD PCB design files for the LTC4296-1 PSE prototype and LTC9111 PD prototype.
SCCP_2 uses SPI to communicate with the LTC4296-1 prototype.
See program print for features.
SCCP classification between LTC4296-1 and LTC9111 can be performed as well.
MCU Firmware : STM32L4xx -
LL DRIVERS : ADIN1110 Support files by Analog Devices.
TCP/IP : LWIP 2.1.2 & Callback API from LWIP.
Serial Monitor : USART.c & USART.h, huart1.Init.BaudRate = 115200
ADC : INIT in Main.c & stm32l4xx_hal_msp.c
Client-side GUI CONCEPT PROTOTYPE - Python, Added as placeholder for showcase.