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Chef repository for provisioning my very own personal server

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runescimitar is a node based on the Raspberry Pi 4, running Ubuntu Server 22.04.

Its purpose is to be a portable Bitcoin full node, with many personal features.

Most of the setup is based on the excellent RaspiBolt guide (

Obviously, feel free to take inspiration or fork this repository.

On Bitcoin ...

Although the setup provides the personal_user a gocryptfs-mounted "~/workspace", as well as fstab entries to reference actual removable media items, the user should not store or transmit private key material through the server or these mechanisms.

These features only aim to provide low-level security, which is suitable for data relegated to less sensitive categories (e.g.; public key material, PSBTs, confidential notes, etc.) whose compromise would only jeopardize privacy concerns and such (i.e.; having no ability to ultimately control funds).

For storing and using private keys, consider using an air-gapped solution (e.g.; a dedicated hardware wallet) or any other implement besides this server. Movement and control of funds should incorporate the usage of PSBTs.


  • Three users; wizard (operator, superuser), cleric (personal user), and nomad (guest user).
  • RaspiBolt-inspired ...
    • ... Bitcoin full node (running Bitcoin Core, a Fulcrum SPV server, and having Sparrow wallet).
    • ... Lightning node (running LND, with Lightning Terminal and Ride The Lightning).
    • ... fee and liquidity management (charge-lnd, rebalance-lnd).
    • ... visibility features (Mempool, lntop).
    • ... applications (Tor, nginx).
    • ... administration (ufw, fail2ban, Circuit Breaker).
    • ... system configuration (ulimits, swap space, zram).
  • Other features ...
    • X11 setup with i3wm, alongside personal themes and customization.
    • Remove Ubuntu Server cruft (snapd, cloud-init, unattended_upgrades).
    • Exploration tools (bx/libbitcoin-explorer).
    • Userspace-encrypted (gocryptfs) and temporary (tmpfs) workspace directories (for the personal and guest user, respectively).
    • Configuration for using physical media (fstab entries for external drives and removable media).
      • e.g.; for placing the blockchain, or otherwise for different purposes using various filesystems, across separate partitions and drives.
    • ... and more!


  1. Obtain a Raspberry Pi 4.
  2. Install Ubuntu Server onto the device.
    • Raspberry Pi Imager is a helpful tool for creating the installation media.
      • N.B. Setting no options under "Advanced options" is recommended.
  3. Boot the device with the installation media, allowing for first-time setup.
  4. Perform any necessary, basic setup.
    • e.g.; creating or modifying user accounts, configuring sshd setup ...
  5. Update packages; apt update, apt upgrade.
  6. Install Ruby (apt install ruby).
  7. Install Chef (via the community distribution; "Cinc").
    • See
    • Install via dpkg --install <.deb package file>.
  8. Bootstrap configuration.
    1. Clone this repository.
    2. Vend cookbooks managed by Berkshelf.
      • gem install --user-install berkshelf --no-document
      • berks vendor --berksfile ./nodes/runescimitar.berksfile ./berkshelf/
  9. Run cinc-solo.
    • Chef should utilize the system Ruby, use chruby to switch to it.
    • cinc-solo --config ./solo.rb --json-attributes ./nodes/runescimitar.json --node-name runescimitar.
    • cinc-solo --config ./solo.rb --json-attributes ./nodes/runescimitar.json --node-name runescimitar --override-runlist "${run_list:?}".


/var noexec and package managers

  • When /var is bind-mounted onto a filesystem with the noexec option, package managers may misbehave. Notably, apt and dpkg execute scripts relevant to a package's configuration process that are stored within /var/lib/dpkg.
    • See find /var -type f -executable.
    • As a workaround, do mount --bind /var/lib/dpkg /var/lib/dpkg followed by mount -o remount,bind,exec,nosuid,nodev /var/lib/dpkg prior to running the Chef Client. These changes does not persist and are reset on reboot.


Bind-mounting /var across filesystems

The rpi4_server::var_mount recipe allows for binding /var across a different filesystem (e.g.; external drive).

See node['rpi4_server']['var_mount']['marker_file'].

This may be useful if the root filesystem remains on the Raspberry Pi's SD card, and if /var should be mounted elsewhere (e.g.; to avoid heavy write usage onto the SD card, without needing to vacate the root filesystem itself elsewhere).

  • Procure an alternate location on a secondary filesystem (i.e.; a filesystem that is currently not hosting / -- see df -hT) to host /var.
    • For example, consider a secondary filesystem mounted at "/alternate".
  • Create the new /var on the secondary filesystem; mkdir /alternate/var.
  • Start single user mode; init 1.
  • Change directory to the current /var; cd /var.
  • Copy the contents onto the alternate location; cp -ax . /alternate/var
  • Make /var empty, in preparation to use as a mount point;
    • Keep a backup copy; cd / && mv /var /var.old, ...
    • ... or rm -rf /var && mkdir /var.
  • Temporarily mount --bind /alternate/var /var.
  • Persist the change as an entry in /etc/fstab.
    • /alternate/var /var none bind 0 0.
  • Return to multi user mode; init 5.


Chef repository for provisioning my very own personal server






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