SciMS is a CMS like to post research article. In fact, thanks to SciMS, you can create really easily a website in few step.
You can administrate the website with an administration panel. Many persons can registered on SciMS and collaborate to write research articles.
SciMS have an editor WYSIWYG to help the redaction of the article and support LaTeX and MathML syntax to render a good mathematical formula.
So, let's go, install and use SciMS to develop your scientist blogs.
- Clone or download SciMS sources.
$ cd SciMS/
$ composer install
to download external libraries dependencies.- After the download of all librairies dependency, send the following folders on your server :
- app/
- src/
- vendor/
- views/
- web/
- Now, you can access at your future website on type :
An installation screen appear, type all information required :- DNS : The DNS of the database.
- Database name : The name of the database.
- Database username : The name of the user can interact with the database.
- Database password : The password of the user can interact with the database.
- Email of the future website administrator.
- Username of the future administrator.
- The password of the future administrator.
- After these form, you must redirect on the home page and you can administrate and using your website. (Read How to use it for more information)
Before send all folders on the server, you can modify settings.yml file present on /app/. In fact this file include some feature can personalize by yourself :
- title : The title of the website.
- subtitle : The subtitle of the website.
- website_authors : The author of the website.
- copyright : The footer of your website.
- last_article : The number of article available on the home page.
- article_status: Coming soon.
- user_role : Coming soon.
- abstract : The number of character displayed on abstract on homepage, because the abstract element can huge and it truncate at XXX characters.
- theme : If this attribute is empty, you don't use theme. So to fill this attribute, check the file themes.yml for add a theme.
To use SciMS project, you must register or connect on website.
So, to write on article, you can go on administration on left navigation and click on articles link. Then, you can click on Write article below the table.
You're coming in a form with all information to describe the Article. Fill all fields and click on submit button to register the new article.
If you are an administrator website, you can create a new category on website on administration panel.
You can manage too all articles and users profile available on website.
- Installation directly without modified settings files (See Installation part above).
- Website registration with unique email, username and password.
- Website connection thanks to email.
- Roles for users :
- Visitor : Not register on website and can only consult article, article by category, user profile and research articles or users on website.
- Register : A registered user can write, edit and delete his articles and update his user profile.
- Administrator : The creator of the website (only one by website). It can create, update or delete a category and update or delete all users registered except itself.
- TinyMCE integration :
- Write LaTex math.
- Write on MathML.
- Source code coloration (C, C#, C++, Java, Python, Ruby, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP).
- Website settings are stored on Yaml file in the /app/ folder.
- JavaScript must activate on your favourite web browser, because TinyMCE and many others scripts use JavaScript to execute.
- Composer must install to download libraries dependencies.
You can contact authors on the following email address :
- Lead Developer - Nicolas GILLE (aka Kero76) -
- Developer and beta-tester - Grégoire POMMIER (aka TeeGreg) -
- Try the application thanks to the following link : SciMS
- W3School :
- Manual PHP :
- The Framework Rhapsody create by Kero76 :
- The framework Bootstrap :
- The icon framework Font-Awesome :
- The template engine Twig :
- The JQuery API :
- The WYSIWYG Editor TinyMCE
- The Mathjax librairy to interpret LaTex and MathML tags on TinyMCE :
- The package manager Composer :
- The service Gravatar [not implement]:
- The Yaml extension from Symfony :
- A good practice to develop with PSR-X :
- A large article to help with PDO operations :
- An article to manage Composer dependency :
- A list of all packages available with Composer :
- How to write a composer.json file :
- Yaml explanation :
- A website to test Regular Expression :
- An article to see more information about URL Rewriting :
- You search a specific icon :
- More information abouts all themes available on SciMS :
- Code quality by SensioLabsInsight :