A curated list of awesome Swift frameworks, libraries and software.
- Alamofire/Alamofire - Elegant HTTP Networking in Swift
- fullstackio/FlappySwift - swift implementation of flappy bird. More at fullstackedu.com
- SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON - The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift
- ipader/SwiftGuide - 这份指南汇集了Swift语言主流学习资源,并以开发者的视角整理编排。
- MengTo/Spring - A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift.
- ochococo/Design-Patterns-In-Swift - Design Patterns implemented in Swift
- Ramotion/animated-tab-bar - RAMAnimatedTabBarController is a Swift module for adding animation to tabbar items.
- SnapKit/SnapKit - A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X
- Quick/Quick - The Swift (and Objective-C) testing framework.
- robb/Cartography - A declarative Auto Layout DSL for Swift 📱📐
- lexrus/LTMorphingLabel - Graceful morphing effects for UILabel written in Swift.
- JakeLin/SwiftWeather - SwiftWeather is an iOS weather app developed in Swift 2. The app has been actively upgrading to adopt the latest features of iOS and Swift language.
- ankurp/Dollar.swift - A functional tool-belt for Swift Language similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore.js in Javascript
- onevcat/Kingfisher - A lightweight and pure Swift implemented library for downloading and caching image from the web.
- duemunk/Async - Syntactic sugar in Swift for asynchronous dispatches in Grand Central Dispatch
- Haneke/HanekeSwift - A lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images.
- mamaral/Neon - A powerful Swift programmatic UI layout framework.
- pNre/ExSwift - A set of Swift extensions for standard types and classes.
- typelift/Swiftz - Functional programming in Swift
- mattt/Surge - Swift + Accelerate
- vikmeup/SCLAlertView-Swift - Beautiful animated Alert View. Written in Swift
- stephencelis/SQLite.swift - A type-safe, Swift-language layer over SQLite3.
- realm/SwiftLint - A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.
- austinzheng/swift-2048 - 2048 for Swift
- raulriera/TextFieldEffects - Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Swift
- ReactiveX/RxSwift - Reactive Programming in Swift
- xmartlabs/Eureka - Elegant iOS form builder in Swift 2
- nghialv/MaterialKit - Material design components for iOS written in Swift
- SwiftBond/Bond - A Swift binding framework
- Hearst-DD/ObjectMapper - Simple JSON Object mapping written in Swift
- RNCryptor/RNCryptor - CCCryptor (AES encryption) wrappers for iOS and Mac. -- For Swift, see swift branch and release 4.0.
- thoughtbot/Argo - Functional JSON parsing library for Swift
- okmr-d/DOFavoriteButton - Cute Animated Button written in Swift.
- IFTTT/RazzleDazzle - A simple keyframe-based animation framework for iOS, written in Swift. Perfect for scrolling app intros.
- Yalantis/GuillotineMenu - Our Guillotine Menu Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift reminds a bit of a notorious killing machine.
- Yalantis/Persei - Animated top menu for UITableView / UICollectionView / UIScrollView written in Swift
- Moya/Moya - Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
- mattdonnelly/Swifter - A Twitter framework for iOS & OS X written in Swift
- icanzilb/EasyAnimation - A Swift library to take the power of UIView.animateWithDuration(_:, animations:...) to a whole new level - layers, springs, chain-able animations and mixing view and layer animations together!
- krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift - Crypto related functions and helpers for Swift implemented in Swift programming language
- ephread/Instructions - Create walkthroughs and guided tours (using coach marks) in a simple way, using Swift.
- carlbutron/Swift - Reusable apps code. Written in Swift
- gavinbunney/Toucan - Fabulous Image Processing in Swift
- Lax/iOS-Swift-Demos - 精心收集并分类整理的Swift开发学习资源,包括Apple官方提供的示例代码和文档,以及github上的项目和国内外开发者的技术博客。欢迎提交pull-request一起维护。[iOS Swift Demos from Apple]
- Draveness/DKChainableAnimationKit - ⭐ Chainable animations in Swift
- matthewpalmer/Locksmith - A powerful, protocol-oriented library for working with the keychain in Swift.
- evnaz/ENSwiftSideMenu - A simple side menu for iOS 7/8 written in Swift.
- mattneub/Programming-iOS-Book-Examples - Downloadable code examples for my books, "iOS 9 Programming Fundamentals With Swift" (bk1) and "Programming iOS 9" (bk2).
- ashleymills/Reachability.swift - Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures
- vandadnp/iOS-8-Swift-Programming-Cookbook - This is the GitHub repository of O'Reilly's iOS 8 Swift Programming Cookbook
- AliSoftware/SwiftGen - A collection of Swift tools to generate Swift code (enums for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, …)
- gontovnik/DGElasticPullToRefresh - Elastic pull to refresh for iOS developed in Swift
- daltoniam/Starscream - Websockets in swift for iOS and OSX
- daltoniam/SwiftHTTP - Thin wrapper around NSURLSession in swift. Simplifies HTTP requests.
- ReactKit/SwiftTask - Promise + progress + pause + cancel + retry for Swift.
- Mozharovsky/CVCalendar - A custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (2.0).
- Ramotion/adaptive-tab-bar - AdaptiveController is a 'Progressive Reduction' Swift module for adding custom states to Native or Custom iOS UI elements
- DaveWoodCom/XCGLogger - A debug log framework for use in Swift projects. Allows you to log details to the console (and optionally a file), just like you would have with NSLog or println, but with additional information, such as the date, function name, filename and line number.
- gitdoapp/SugarRecord - Data persistence management library written in Swift 2.0
- johnlui/SwiftSideslipLikeQQ - 再造 “手机QQ” 侧滑菜单
- glock45/swifter - Tiny http server engine written in Swift programming language.
- QueryKit/QueryKit - A simple CoreData query language for Swift and Objective-C.
- kishikawakatsumi/KeychainAccess - Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS and OS X
- Ramotion/paper-switch - RAMPaperSwitch is a Swift module which paints over the parent view when the switch is turned on.
- DavdRoman/Popsicle - Delightful, extensible Swift value interpolation framework
- ReactKit/ReactKit - Swift Reactive Programming.
- swiftcodex/Swift-Radio-Pro - Professional Radio Station App, created w/ Swift 2.0
- poolqf/FillableLoaders - Completely customizable progress based loaders drawn using custom CGPaths written in Swift
- yannickl/DynamicColor - Yet another extension to manipulate colors easily in Swift
- mac-cain13/R.swift - Get strong typed, autocompleted resources like images, fonts and segues in Swift projects
- akosma/SwiftMoment - A time and calendar manipulation library for iOS 9 and Xcode 7 written in Swift 2
- nicktoumpelis/HiBeacons - A very nice iBeacons demo app in Swift.
- Dimillian/SwiftHN - A Hacker News reader in Swift
- naoty/Timepiece - Intuitive NSDate extensions in Swift
- waynewbishop/SwiftStructures - Examples of commonly used data structures and algorithms in Swift.
- pkluz/PKHUD - A Swift based reimplementation of the Apple HUD (Volume, Ringer, Rotation,…) for iOS 8.
- hpique/SwiftSingleton - An exploration of the Singleton pattern in Swift
- codestergit/SweetAlert-iOS - Live animated Alert View for iOS written in Swift
- radex/SwiftyUserDefaults - Statically-typed NSUserDefaults
- zhxnlai/ZLSwipeableViewSwift - A simple view for building card like interface inspired by Tinder and Potluck.
- dekatotoro/SlideMenuControllerSwift - iOS Slide Menu View based on Google+, iQON, Feedly, Ameba iOS app. It is written in pure swift.
- PhamBaTho/BTNavigationDropdownMenu - The elegant dropdown menu, written in Swift, appears underneath navigation bar to display a list of related items when a user click on the navigation title.
- didierbrun/DBPathRecognizer - Gesture recognizer tool [Swift / iOS]
- burczyk/XcodeSwiftSnippets - Swift code snippets for Xcode
- icanzilb/SwiftSpinner - A beautiful activity indicator and modal alert written in Swift (originally developed for http://doodledoodle.io) Using blur effects, translucency, flat and bold design - all iOS 8 latest and greatest
- Quick/Nimble - A Matcher Framework for Swift and Objective-C
- malcommac/SwiftDate - Easy NSDate Management in Swift 2.0
- amitburst/HackerNews - A Hacker News reader iOS app written in Swift.
- Zewo/Venice - CSP for Swift 2 (Linux ready)
- schwa/SwiftGraphics - Bringing Swift goodness to Quartz.
- Thomvis/BrightFutures - Write great asynchronous code in Swift using futures and promises
- ArtSabintsev/Siren - Notify users when a new version of your iOS app is available, and prompt them with the App Store link. Siren is a Swift port of the Objective-C 'Harpy' project.
- ortuman/SwiftForms - A small and lightweight library written in Swift that allows you to easily create forms.
- practicalswift/swift-compiler-crashes - A collection of test cases crashing the Swift compiler.
- railsware/Sleipnir - BDD-style framework for Swift
- dongri/OAuthSwift - Swift based OAuth library for iOS
- joshaber/Few.swift - Views as functions of their state.
- nabilfreeman/ios-universal-webview-boilerplate - Universal Swift-based boilerplate for a web app.
- kevinzhow/PNChart-Swift - A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS(https://github.com/kevinzhow/PNChart) Swift Implementation
- isair/JSONHelper - Lightning fast JSON deserialization and value conversion library for iOS & OS X written in Swift.
- archagon/tasty-imitation-keyboard - A custom keyboard for iOS8 that serves as a tasty imitation of the default Apple keyboard. Built using Swift and the latest Apple technologies!
- smileyborg/TableViewCellWithAutoLayoutiOS8 - Sample project demonstrating self-sizing table view cells in iOS 8 using Swift and Objective-C.
- demonnico/PinterestSwift - This is a Swift based demo project to show how to make the transition Pinterest liked.
- kaishin/ImageScout - A Swift implementation of fastimage. Supports PNG, GIF, and JPEG.
- owensd/json-swift - A basic library for working with JSON in Swift.
- SwiftyJSON/Alamofire-SwiftyJSON - Alamofire extension for serialize NSData to SwiftyJSON
- teodorpatras/EasyTipView - A tooltip view written in Swift.
- frosty/Flipbook - A Swift tool to render UIViews to image sequences for use with WatchKit, and accompanying sample WatchKit project.
- vandadnp/swift-weekly - Weekly Swift Language Gems, Tips and Tricks
- kentya6/KYCircularProgress - Flexible progress bar written in Swift.
- mattt/Euler - Swift Custom Operators for Mathematical Notation
- i-schuetz/SwiftCharts - Easy to use and highly customizable charts library for iOS
- LlamaKit/LlamaKit - Collection of must-have functional Swift tools
- marmelroy/PhoneNumberKit - A Swift framework for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers. Inspired by Google's libphonenumber.
- diwu/LeetCode-Solutions-in-Swift - Get prepared for your next iOS job interview by studying high quality LeetCode solutions in Swift 2.1.
- hallas/agent - Minimalistic Swift HTTP request agent for iOS and OS X
- optonaut/ActiveLabel.swift - UILabel drop-in replacement supporting Hashtags (#), Mentions (@) and URLs (http://) written in Swift
- jspahrsummers/RxSwift - Proof-of-concept for implementing Rx primitives in Swift
- JustHTTP/Just - Swift HTTP for Humans
- joshaber/SwiftBox - Flexbox in Swift, using Facebook's css-layout.
- Anviking/Decodable - Swift 2 JSON parsing done (more) right
- nettlep/learn-swift - Learn Apple's Swift programming language interactively through these playgrounds.
- varshylmobile/LocationManager - CLLocationManager wrapper in Swift, performs location update, geocoding and reverse geocoding using Apple and Google service
- jcavar/refresher - Pull to refresh in Swift
- emaloney/CleanroomLogger - CleanroomLogger provides an extensible Swift-based logging API that is simple, lightweight and performant
- twostraws/HackingWithSwift - The project source code for hackingwithswift.com
- johnlui/Pitaya - A Swift HTTP / HTTPS networking library just incidentally execute on machines
- antitypical/Result - Swift type modelling the success/failure of arbitrary operations.
- venmo/Static - Simple static table views for iOS in Swift.
- tnantoka/edhita - Fully open source text editor for iOS written in Swift.
- Mav3r1ck/Project-RainMan - Open Source Weather App created with Swift
- mattt/Literally - Swift Literal Convertibles for Foundation
- GabrielAlva/Swift-Prompts - A Swift library to design custom prompts with a great scope of options to choose from.
- Alecrim/AlecrimCoreData - A powerful and simple Core Data wrapper framework written in Swift.
- krzyzanowskim/Natalie - Natalie - Storyboard Code Generator (for Swift)
- MartinRGB/MTSwift-Learning - Begin to learn swift,try to make some simple project here
- andreacremaschi/GEOSwift - The Swift Geographic Engine.
- marketplacer/Dodo - A message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- dankogai/swift-json - Even Swiftier JSON Handler
- corin8823/Popover - Popover is a balloon library like Facebook app. It is written in pure swift.
- indragiek/SwiftAutoLayout - Tiny Swift DSL for Autolayout
- ayanonagon/Parsimmon - Parsimmon is a wee linguistics toolkit for iOS written in Swift.
- JohnEstropia/CoreStore - Unleashing the real power of Core Data with the elegance and safety of Swift
- slazyk/Observable-Swift - KVO for Swift - Value Observing and Events
- kitasuke/PagingMenuController - Paging view controller with customizable menu in Swift
- FlexMonkey/Blurable - Apply a Gaussian Blur to any UIView with Swift Protocol Extensions
- kaishin/gifu - Highly performant animated GIF support for iOS in Swift
- aschuch/AwesomeCache - Delightful on-disk cache (written in Swift)
- TBXark/TKRubberIndicator - Rubber Indicator in Swift
- jpsim/PeerKit - An open-source Swift framework for building event-driven, zero-config Multipeer Connectivity apps
- lindadong/swift-a-day - Project files for my personal experiments on Swift A Day:
- bryx-inc/BRYXBanner - A lightweight dropdown notification for iOS 7+, in Swift.
- izqui/Taylor - A lightweight library for writing HTTP web servers with Swift
- melvitax/AFDateHelper - Convenience extension for NSDate in Swift
- ryanfowler/SwiftData - Simple and Effective SQLite Handling in Swift
- LoganWright/Genome - A simple, type safe, failure driven mapping library for serializing JSON to models in Swift 2.0 (Supports Linux)
- Abizern/xcode-snippets - Xcode Snippets for Swift 2, based on those by Mattt at https://github.com/Xcode-Snippets/Objective-C
- practicalswift/Pythonic.swift - Pythonic tool-belt for Swift – a Swift implementation of selected parts of Python standard library.
- DroidsOnRoids/MPParallaxView - Apple TV Parallax effect in Swift.
- mengxiangyue/The-Swift-2.0-Programming-Language-playground - 对应最新发布《The Swift Programming Language》Swift 2.0 一书中的内容。这些playground基本是书中知识点的一个总结。
- jxd001/Swift-ZhihuDaily - ZhihuDaily with Swift language
- wantedly/swift-rss-sample - An RSS reader app written in Swift
- soffes/clock-saver - Simple clock screensaver written in Swift
- ovenbits/ModelRocket - An iOS framework for creating JSON-based models. Written in Swift.
- kylef/PathKit - Effortless path operations in Swift
- aleclarson/emitter-kit - Type-safe event handling for Swift
- honghaoz/Ji - Ji (戟) is an XML/HTML parser for Swift
- varshylmobile/MapManager - Map manager is a MapKit wrapper in Swift to provide route direction drawing
- rehatkathuria/SnappingSlider - A beautiful slider control for iOS built purely upon Swift
- okla/QuickRearrangeTableView - UITableView subclass with quick rearrange, written in Swift (1.2)
- lexrus/LTBouncyPlaceholder - A learning-by-doing UITextField extension written in Swift
- ishkawa/APIKit - A networking library for building type safe web API client in Swift.
- jatoben/CommandLine - A pure Swift library for creating command-line interfaces
- UrbanApps/Armchair - A simple yet powerful App Review Manager for iOS and OSX in Swift
- yeahdongcn/UIColor-Hex-Swift - Convenience method for creating autoreleased color using RGBA hex string.
- xhacker/TagListView - Simple but highly customizable iOS tag list view, in Swift.
- kylef/Mockingjay - An elegant library for stubbing HTTP requests with ease in Swift
- Produkt/RubberBandEffect - Recreating Apple’s rubber band effect in Swift
- hkellaway/Gloss - A shiny JSON parsing library in Swift
- matthewcheok/JSONCodable - Hassle-free JSON encoding and decoding in Swift
- tispr/tispr-card-stack - Card Stack in Swift for iOS8+
- JensRavens/Interstellar - Simple and lightweight Functional Reactive Coding in Swift for the rest of us
- GabrielAlva/SwiftPages - A swift implementation of a swipe between pages layout, just like Instagram's toggle between views.
- realm/SwiftCov - A tool to generate test code coverage information for Swift.
- marmelroy/TVButton - Recreating the cool parallax icons from Apple TV as iOS UIButtons (in Swift).
- jpotts18/SwiftValidator - A rule-based validation library for Swift
- ReactKit/SwiftState - Elegant state machine for Swift.
- gscalzo/FlappySwift - Flappy Bird clone in Swift and Sprite Kit, basic and in progress
- kylef/Commander - Compose beautiful command line interfaces in Swift
- michaelarmstrong/SuperRecord - A small set of utilities to make working with CoreData and Swift a bit easier.
- hubertr/Swell - Logging utility for Swift and Objective C
- icanzilb/TaskQueue - A Task Queue Class developed in Swift (by Marin Todorov)
- wongzigii/Butterfly - A lightweight library for integrating feedback module.(Swift 1.2 yet)
- kylef/Stencil - Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift.
- rodionovd/SWRoute - PoC of function hooking in Swift
- zemirco/swift-linechart - LineChart library for iOS written in Swift
- SSA111/SSASideMenu - A Swift implementation of RESideMenu
- rhcad/ShapeAnimation-Swift - Vector animation framework in Swift for iOS and OSX.
- lexrus/LTJelloSwitch - A rapid prototype of UISwitch built with Swift and PaintCode.
- goktugyil/QorumLogs - 📕 Swift Logging Utility for Xcode & Google Docs
- morizotter/TouchVisualizer - Lightweight touch visualization library in Swift. A single line of code and visualize your touches!
- devxoul/JLToast - Toast UI for Swift - Android-like toast with simple interface.
- MoZhouqi/PhotoBrowser - A simple iOS Instagram photo browser written in Swift using Alamofire networking library, SwiftyJSON JSON parsing library and FastImageCache storing and retrieving images library.
- nvzqz/FileKit - Simple and expressive file management in Swift
- tadija/AEXML - Simple and lightweight Swift XML parser
- drmohundro/SWXMLHash - Simple XML parsing in Swift
- KyleGoddard/KGFloatingDrawer - A floating navigation drawer with an interesting animated presentation written in Swift.
- yeahdongcn/RSBarcodes_Swift - 1D and 2D barcodes reader and generators for iOS 8 with delightful controls. Now Swift.
- radex/SwiftyTimer - Swifty API for NSTimer
- JohnSundell/Unbox - The easy to use Swift JSON decoder
- kenshin03/Cherry - Mini Pomodoro Timer app designed for the Watch. Written in Swift.
- edekhayser/FrostedSidebar - Hamburger Menu using Swift and iOS 8 API's
- Vaberer/Font-Awesome-Swift - Font Awesome swift library for iOS.
- tristanhimmelman/AlamofireObjectMapper - An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using ObjectMapper
- thoughtbot/Runes - Infix operators for monadic functions in Swift
- thii/FontAwesome.swift - Use FontAwesome in your Swift projects
- neoneye/SwiftyFORM - SwiftyFORM is a form framework for iOS written in Swift
- richzertuche/ZMaterialDesignUIButton - Swift Material Design UIButton
- knutigro/COBezierTableView - Custom TableView written in Swift where cells are scrolling in an arc defined by a BezierPath. Project even include classes for testing and constructing new BezierPaths for testing new UI.
- Lucky-Orange/BlackHawk - High performance Cordova compatible javascript-native reflection bridge based on fast and sexy WKWebView written in pure Swift.
- morizotter/SwiftyDrop - Lightweight dropdown message bar in Swift. It's simple and beautiful.
- czechboy0/XcodeServerSDK - Access Xcode Server API with native Swift objects. Supports Xcode Server API of Xcode 6 and 7.
- indragiek/swiftrsrc - Resource code generation tool for Swift
- dtissera/DTIActivityIndicatorView-Swift - Animated custom ActivityIndicator inspired from css library SpinKit and much more. Written in Swift.
- kostiakoval/Mirror - Swift objects Reflection
- liufan321/SwiftQRCode - Simple QRCode detector and generator in Swift
- venmo/DVR - Network testing for Swift
- synboo/SwiftFlickrApp - Flickr popular photo viewer with Swift
- benzguo/MusicKit - A framework for composing and transforming music in Swift
- Isuru-Nanayakkara/Reach - A simple class to check for internet connection availability in Swift.
- alexeyxo/protobuf-swift - Google ProtocolBuffers for Apple Swift
- tidwall/SwiftWebSocket - High performance WebSocket client library for Swift.
- nghialv/Net - Http Request wrapper written in Swift
- ArtSabintsev/Magic - A Swift alternative for Objective-C's DLog macro.
- onevcat/RandomColorSwift - An attractive color generator for Swift. Ported from randomColor.js.
- HunkSmile/Swift - Write The Code, Change The World
- piemonte/Twinkle - ✨ Swift and easy way to make elements in your iOS app twinkle
- melvitax/AFImageHelper - Convenience extension for UIImage and UIImageView in Swift
- malcommac/SwiftLocation - CoreLocation Made Easy, 100% Swift
- tomkowz/Swifternalization - Localize iOS apps in a smarter way using JSON files. Swift framework.
- ikesyo/Himotoki - A type-safe JSON decoding library purely written in Swift
- varshylmobile/RateMyApp - RateMyApp is a Swift class to provide gentle reminders to app user to rate your app
- evgenyneu/SigmaSwiftStatistics - A collection of functions for statistical calculation in iOS, OS X and watchOS written in Swift.
- Weebly/Cereal - Swift object serialization
- p2/OAuth2 - OAuth2 framework for OS X and iOS, written in Swift.
- FahimF/SQLiteDB - Basic SQLite wrapper for Swift 2.0 and up
- thellimist/SwiftRandom - A tiny generator of random data for swift
- iSame7/Panoramic - Swift implementation of the photo tilt gesture/UX found in Facebook's Paper app.
- fe9lix/PennyPincher - A fast gesture recognizer based on the PennyPincher algorithm, written in Swift.
- appsquickly/Typhoon-Swift-Example - Swift example application for Typhoon
- dekatotoro/PullToRefreshSwift - iOS Simple Cool PullToRefresh Library. It is written in pure swift.
- phpmaple/Stick-Hero-Swift - a universal iOS Game using Swift and iOS SpriteKit
- macoscope/SwiftyStateMachine - Swift µframework for creating state machines
- bignerdranch/CoreDataStack - The Big Nerd Ranch Core Data stack. Now with Swift 2!
- yankodimitrov/SwiftPasscodeLock - An iOS passcode lock with TouchID authentication written in Swift.
- FabrizioBrancati/BFKit-Swift - BFKit Swift is a collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster
- aubrey/SwiftPagingNav - A Twitter-like navigation bar and page viewer written in Swift.
- typelift/Basis - Pure Declarative Programming in Swift, Among Other Things
- onevcat/Easy-Cal-Swift - Overload +-*/ operator for Swift, make it easier to use (and not so strict)
- cesarferreira/SwiftEventBus - A publish/subscribe EventBus optimized for iOS
- ColinEberhardt/ReactiveSwiftFlickrSearch - A Swift implementation of a Flickr-search application that uses MVVM and ReactiveCocoa
- yannickl/QRCodeReader.swift - Simple QRCode reader in Swift
- tidwall/Safe - Modern Concurrency and Synchronization for Swift.
- kiavashfaisali/KFSwiftImageLoader - An extremely high-performance, lightweight, and energy-efficient pure Swift async web image loader with memory and disk caching for iOS and Watch.
- nerdyc/Squeal - A Swift wrapper for SQLite databases
- Akkyie/AKPickerView-Swift - A simple yet customizable horizontal picker view.
- piemonte/Player -
▶️ iOS video player in Swift, simple drop in component for playing and streaming media - croath/UIImageView-BetterFace-Swift - The Swift version of https://github.com/croath/UIImageView-BetterFace
- KhaosT/HomeKit-Demo - A demo wrote in Swift for HomeKit. Works with HomeKit Simulator
- MakeZL/MLSwiftBasic - UI and animation of the basic framework of swift
- jquave/Swift-Tutorial - Code for the Swift Tutorial on jamesonquave.com
- haaakon/SingleLineShakeAnimation - Shake a view with a single line of code with a non-intrusive extension for UIView, written in Swift. Also supports accessability!
- cemolcay/ReorderableGridView-Swift - reorderable grid view solution implemented with swift. its UIScrollView subclass, its not a collection view layout.
- JamalK/Swift-String-Tools - Helpful tools to manage linguistics, and social in a String.
- nori0620/SwiftFilePath - Simple and powerful wrapper for NSFileManager.
- thefuntasty/TFBubbleItUp - Custom view for writing tags, contacts and etc. - written in Swift
- Swinject/Swinject - Dependency injection framework for Swift
- khoiln/Run - A Swift Wrapper for Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) Framework that supports method chaining
- thii/SwiftColors - HEX color handling as an extension for UIColor. Written in Swift.
- phimage/Prephirences - Prephirences is a Swift library that provides useful protocols and convenience methods to manage application preferences, configurations and app-state.
- daltoniam/JSONJoy-Swift - Convert JSON to Swift objects.
- honghaoz/Loggerithm - A lightweight Swift logger, uses
in development andNSLog
in production. Support colourful and formatted output. - johnlui/SwiftNotice - GUI library for displaying various popups (HUD), written in pure Swift.
- typelift/SwiftCheck - QuickCheck for Swift
- uber/jetstream-ios - An elegant model framework written in Swift
- Khan/Prototope - Swift library of lightweight interfaces for prototyping, bridged to JS
- soffes/X - Easier cross platform Mac & iOS development with Swift
- andelf/Defines-Swift - Swift standard library defines. dump from Xcode
- alskipp/Swift-Diagram-Playgrounds - Drawing diagrams in Swift using a recursive enum data structure
- Ahmed-Ali/RealmObjectEditor - Realm Object Editor is a visual editor where you can create your Realm entities, attributes and relationships inside a nice user interface. Once you finish, you can save your schema document for later use and you can export your entities in Swift, Objective-C and Java.
- modocache/Gift - Swift bindings to libgit2.
- colemancda/NetworkObjects - Swift backend / server framework (Pure Swift, Supports Linux)
- kaandedeoglu/Shark - Swift Script that transforms the .xcassets folder into a type safe enum
- jessesquires/JSQCoreDataKit - A swifter Core Data stack
- yankodimitrov/SignalKit - SignalKit is a type safe event and binding Swift framework with great focus on clean and readable API.
- ytakzk/Hokusai - A Swift library to provide a bouncy action sheet
- jspahrsummers/Crust - Reimagining Mantle in Swift (experimental)
- nuclearace/Socket.IO-Client-Swift - socket.io-client for Swift
- lexrus/LeetCode.swift - Once upon a time there was a noob of algorithms, and he knew a little about Swift.
- daltoniam/Skeets - Fetch, cache, and display images via HTTP in Swift.
- bahlo/SwiftGif - ✨ A small UIImage extension with gif support
- oisdk/SwiftSequence - A μframework of extensions for SequenceType in Swift 2.0, inspired by Python's itertools, Haskell's standard library, and other things.
- robrix/Prelude - Swift µframework of simple functional programming tools
- comyarzaheri/Chronos-Swift - Grand Central Dispatch Utilities
- sharplet/Regex - A Swift µframework providing an NSRegularExpression-backed Regex type
- shuoli84/SocketIOCocoa - The socket 1.0 client in Swift
- sxyx2008/FoodPin - 用Swift写的一个简单的App
- vadymmarkov/Fakery - Swift fake data generator
- tadija/AERecord - Super awesome Swift Core Data wrapper
- evermeer/EVReflection - Swift helper library with reflection functions with support for NSCoding, Printable, Hashable, Equatable and JSON
- xxxAIRINxxx/MusicPlayerTransition - Custom interactive transition like Apple Music iOS App. written in Swift.
- slazyk/SINQ - LINQ for Swift - Swift Integrated Query
- orta/Swift-at-Artsy - Repo for the notes for Swift at Artsy
- sachinkesiraju/SwiftExample - Your one stop shop for all things Swift.
- bradjasper/RadialMenu - RadialMenu is a custom control for providing a touch context menu (like iMessage recording in iOS 8) built with Swift & POP
- CharlinFeng/CFRuntime - 重磅推出:Swift版的MJExtension,运行时、反射与一键字典模型互转
- geek5nan/FanFanSwift - 翻翻看 Swift 版
- nomothetis/OptionKit - Option parsing in Swift
- tristanhimmelman/ZoomTransition - Interactive zoom transition for presenting view controllers written in Swift
- kareman/SwiftShell - A Swift framework for shell scripting.
- kaandedeoglu/KDCircularProgress - A circular progress view with gradients written in Swift
- craiggrummitt/ActionSwift3 - AS3 SDK in Swift - whaa?
- sascha/DrawerController - A lightweight, easy to use, Side Drawer Navigation Controller in Swift (based on MMDrawerController)
- robotsu/Flying-Swift - A Free Swift simple project for fun, with Apple's UIKit Dynamic Catalogs Migration and blog reader etc. interesting functions.
- szk-atmosphere/SAParallaxViewControllerSwift - SAParallaxViewControllerSwift realizes parallax scrolling with blur effect. In addition, it realizes seamless opening transition.
- goktugyil/CozyLoadingActivity - 🐣 Lightweight Swift loading activity for iOS7+
- alextarrago/QZCircleSegue - QZCircleSegue is written in Swift and it is a beatiful transition between circular-shapped buttons and your View Controller.
- johnlui/Swift-On-iOS - JohnLui 的 Swift On iOS 代码仓库
- huyouare/SwiftParseChat - An Example iOS Chat Application with Parse, written in Swift
- matthewcheok/Fluent - Swift animation made easy
- beltex/dshb - OS X system monitor in Swift
- strekfus/FloatRatingView - Whole, half or floating point ratings control written in Swift
- rshevchuk/ScreenSceneController - ScreenSceneController — custom view controller that manages the navigation of hierarchical content in JetRadar and Aviasales apps. It's written in Swift.
- hirohisa/ImageLoaderSwift - A lightweight and fast image loader for iOS written in Swift.
- MoZhouqi/VoiceMemos - Voice Memos is an audio recorder App for iPhone and iPad that covers some of the new technologies and APIs introduced in iOS 8 written in Swift 2.0.
- FlexMonkey/MarkingMenu - Swift MarkingMenu
- stakes/JSSAlertView - A custom alert view for iOS 7 and 8 written in Swift.
- yingogobot/Swift-Useful-Extensions - lots of categories i used in objc, rewrite in swift, more coming.
- varshylmobile/VMXMLParser - NSXMLParser wrapper in Swift
- marketplacer/keychain-swift - Helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely for iOS, OS X, tvOS and watchOS.
- harlanhaskins/Punctual.swift - Swift dates, more fun.
- evgenyneu/center-vfl - Centering a view in a super view with Visual Format Language using Auto Layout in iOS/Swift
- zhangao0086/iOS-CoreImage-Swift - iOS8 Core Image In Swift
- FancyPixel/BallSwift - This sample app roughly recreates the physics of Ball King using UIDynamics, showcasing the new addition to the API introduced in iOS 9.
- tidwall/GoSwift - Go Goodies for Swift. Including goroutines, channels, defer, and panic.
- mslathrop/SwiftNote - Simple note taking app with today widget and iCloud syncing. Written in swift
- jflinter/Dwifft - Swift Diff
- KyoheiG3/SimpleAlert - Customizable simple Alert and simple ActionSheet for Swift
- nicklockwood/FPSControls - An experimental implementation of touch-friendly first-person shooter controls using SceneKit and Swift
- Dimillian/HackerSwifter - A Swift Hacker News library
- robrix/Box - Swift µframework of the ubiquitous Box & MutableBox reference types, for recursive value types & misc. other purposes.
- MoZhouqi/KMPlaceholderTextView - A UITextView subclass that adds support for multiline placeholder written in Swift.
- wltrup/iOS-Swift-Circular-Progress-View - A customisable Swift class for a progress view similar to what the Apple Watch has.
- ggamecrazy/LoadingImageView - Loading Indicator for UIImageView, written in Swift.
- SSA111/SSASwiftReachability - A Swift Library To Track Network Reachability Changes
- liufan321/NetReachability - Check Internet Reachability in Swift
- AlwaysRightInstitute/SwiftSockets - A simple GCD based socket wrapper for Swift.
- natelyman/SwiftImageLoader - Asynchronous Image Loader in Swift. Caches using an NSCache.
- groue/GRMustache.swift - Flexible Mustache templates for Swift
- iluuu1994/Pathfinder - A pathfinding library written in Swift
- owensd/apous - Let's make Swift scripting a reality.
- iascchen/SwiftCoreDataSimpleDemo - iOS swift core data simple demo
- okmr-d/DOAlertController - Simple Alert View written in Swift, which can be used as a UIAlertController. (AlertController/AlertView/ActionSheet)
- swiftsocket/SwiftSocket - simple socket library for apple swift lang.
- mythz/swift-linq-examples - C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Swift
- kristopherjohnson/Markingbird - Markdown processor written in Swift (translation of MarkdownSharp)
- DeveloperLx/LxThroughPointsBezier-Swift - An ideal iOS library using swift programming language. Draw a smooth curve through several points you designated. The curve‘s bend level is adjustable.
- ChrisChares/swift-alarm - iOS app written in Swift
- lifedim/SwiftCasts - Tutorials for Swift
- sxyx2008/Swift-PM25 - 一个基于Swift实现的PM2.5查询示例
- gilesvangruisen/Swift-YouTube-Player - Swift library for embedding and controlling YouTube videos in your iOS applications!
- SwiftP2P/SwiftSSL - An Elegant crypto toolkit in Swift.
- davecom/SwiftPriorityQueue - A Generic Priority Queue in Pure Swift
- abiaad/PASImageView - Rounded async imageview downloader lightly cached and written in Swift
- ziligy/JGFlipMenu - Flipping menu system written in Swift. Uses @IBDesignable for quick and easy implementation.
- jessesquires/JSQWebViewController - A lightweight Swift WebKit view controller for iOS
- JamalK/Swifty - Swift login screen.
- naoty/SwiftCSV - CSV parser for Swift
- aschuch/QRCode - A QRCode generator written in Swift.
- 0xc010d/VFLToolbox - Fancy Swift implementation of the Visual Format Language
- zhangao0086/DKImagePickerController - New version! It's a Facebook style Image Picker Controller by Swift.
- kam800/SwiftMapper - JSON mapper written in Swift
- remirobert/Tempo - Date and time manager for iOS/OSX written in Swift
- gemtot/iBeacon - iOS iBeacon Project in Swift Language
- asduk/Flight-Fight-In-Swift - swift
- StefanLage/SLPagingViewSwift - Navigation bar system allowing to do a Tinder like or Twitter like. SLPagingViewSwift is a Swift port of the Objective-C of SLPagingView
- FlexMonkey/ShinpuruLayout - Simple Layout in Swift using HGroups & VGroups
- ijoshsmith/swift-threading - Simplified thread marshaling with a custom Swift operator function
- dropbox/SwiftyDropbox - Swift SDK for the Dropbox API v2 preview.
- SocialbitGmbH/SwiftAddressBook - Complete wrapper for the ABAddressBook C-Framework for iOS, written in Swift to be typesafe and convenient
- toygar/youtube-parser - YouTube link parser for swift
- DeveloperLx/LxGridView-swift - Imitation iOS system desktop icon arrangement and interaction by UICollectionView!
- exilias/SwiftTodo - [iOS] a sample project of todo app using swift
- RuiAAPeres/Swift-Sugar - Swift's Sugar. Heavily inspired on Objc Sugar(https://github.com/supermarin/ObjectiveSugar)
- JohnEstropia/GCDKit - Grand Central Dispatch simplified with swift.
- JakeLin/Todo - A todo list app written in Swift
- nghialv/Future - Swift µframework providing Future<T, Error>
- lourenco-marinho/ActionButton - Action button is a Floating Action Button inspired from Google Inbox implemented in Swift
- coffellas-cto/GDWebViewController - WKWebview browser view controller in Swift
- callmewhy/Swift90Days - 90 articles about Swift in 90 days
- robrix/Set - An implementation of Multiset and PredicateSet in Swift.
- kylef/Spectre - BDD Framework and test runner for Swift projects and playgrounds
- Ekhoo/Device - Light weight tool for detecting the current device and screen size written in swift.
- zenangst/Versions - Helping you find inner peace when comparing version numbers in Swift.
- bignerdranch/Deferred - An implementation of OCaml's Deferred for Swift.
- arkverse/SwiftRecord - ActiveRecord for Swift. Easy Core Data
- pixyzehn/PathMenu - Path 4.2 menu using CoreAnimation in Swift. Inspired by AwesomeMenu(https://github.com/levey/AwesomeMenu).
- JakeLin/ChineseZodiac - Chinese Zodiac is an iOS app developed in Swift
- nomothetis/SemverKit - Semantic versioning in Swift
- kNeerajPro/CGParallaxCollectionView - Extending Ole Begemann CGParallaxCollectionView to Swift
- jquave/LumaJSON - A super simple JSON helper for Swift
- MakeZL/ZLSwiftRefresh - swift pull refresh or loadMore refresh
- jpsim/SwiftEdit - A proof-of-concept editor, written in Swift, that supports Swift syntax highlighting using SourceKit.
- Bloc/swiftris - A Tetris clone made in Swift.
- mengmanzbh/KlineInSwift - 用swift写的K线图
- schwa/TimingFunctionEditor - Simple swift based editor for bezier based media timing functions
- cezheng/Fuzi - A fast & lightweight XML & HTML parser in Swift with XPath & CSS support
- watsonbox/ios_google_places_autocomplete - Google Places address entry for iOS (Swift)
- soffes/Crypto - Swift CommonCrypto wrapper
- mflint/SwiftMock - A mocking framework for Swift
- woooowen/Top4Swift - Top4Swift
- natecook1000/SwiftSets - Set types built for Swift
- davecom/SwiftGraph - A Graph Data Structure in Pure Swift
- cemolcay/BubbleControl-Swift - a bubble control highly inspired from facebook chat heads. written in swift
- Stickbuilt/SBGestureTableView - Swift UITableView subclass that supports swiping rows ala Mailbox and long press to move rows.
- ashfurrow/ModalNotificationController - A demonstration of how to present Slingshot-style notification using Swift
- remzr7/RZVibrantButton - The Stylish UIButton Apple didn't provide. Built in Swift.
- NorthernRealities/Rainbow - An extension to the UIColor class in swift.
- roadfire/SwiftFonts - An app to list the available fonts on iOS, written in Swift using the MVVM pattern.
- rlopezdiez/RLDTableViewSwift - Reusable table view controller, data source and delegate for all your UITableView needs in Swift
- domenicosolazzo/practice-swift - Learning a new language: SWIFT
- the-hypermedia-project/Hyperdrive - Generic API Client in Swift
- prine/ROStorageBar - Dynamic Storage Bar (a là iTunes Usage Bar) written in Swift
- lingoer/GRequest - An Generic HTTP Request Library For Swift
- typelift/Swiftx - Functional data types and functions for any project
- bpolat/Music-Player - Fully functional music player which is written in swift programming language
- kennycason/swift_boxxle - A mostly complete port of GameBoy's Boxxle to Swift
- kasei/SwiftRegex - Perl-like regex =~ operator for Swift
- gpbl/SwiftChart - Line and area chart library for iOS
- dimsumthinking/TurtlePlayground - Swift playground using Logo-like commands
- danthorpe/Operations - A Swift framework inspired by WWDC 2015 Advanced NSOperations session.
- JakeLin/LoveFinder - Love Finder is an iOS App written in Swift
- saniul/Mendel - Mendel - Swift miliframework for implementing evolutionary/genetic algorithms
- anaglik/PeriscopyPullToRefresh - Pull-To-Refresh view inspired by Periscope application written in swift
- DigitalLeaves/DLHamburguerMenu - A "hamburguer" sidebar menu written entirely in swift
- vlall/Swift-Brain - Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning data structures and Swift algorithms for future iOS development. Bayes theorem, Neural Networks, and more AI.
- rizal72/iContactU - Swift iOS App: reminds you to contact people you ought to.
- redbooth/RealmResultsController - A NSFetchedResultsController implementation for Realm written in Swift
- elpassion/SwiftMustaches - iOS 8 Photo Editing Extension that adds mustaches to your face
- nthegedus/ReviewTime - Review Time is an open source app for iOS written in Swift that show the average review times for iOS and the Mac Apps using data crowdsourced from AppReviewTime (http://appreviewtimes.com/).
- nschum/SwiftHamcrest - Hamcrest test assertions for Swift
- mikeash/SwiftObserverSet - NSNotificationCenter re-conceptualization for Swift
- SwiftGit2/SwiftGit2 - Swift bindings to libgit2
- MartinJNash/SwiftTodo - Core Data / Swift / Todo List
- behoernchen/iconizer - Create Xcode asset catalogs swift and painless.
- WeHeartSwift/IBDesignable-Demo - code from http://www.weheartswift.com/make-awesome-ui-components-ios-8-using-swift-xcode-6/
- rheinfabrik/Heimdallr.swift - Easy to use OAuth 2 library for iOS, written in Swift.
- iAugux/iBBS-Swift - A BBS client in Swift
- varshylmobile/VMFloatLabel - Swift based UITextField subclass with floating labels
- allenbryan11/SMSegmentView - Custom segmentedControl for iOS written in Swift. Supports vertical layout. Support both image and text. Highly customisable.
- marketplacer/Cosmos - A star rating control for iOS / Swift
- ijoshsmith/swift-ascii-art - Swift program that creates ASCII art from an image
- gfx/Swift-JsonSerializer - a pure-Swift JSON serializer and deserializer
- Conche/Conche - Swift build system and dependency manager.
- haginile/SwiftDate - A Smart Date/Calendar Library Written in Swift
- cezheng/PySwiftyRegex - Easily deal with Regex in Swift in a Pythonic way
- FlexMonkey/SmoothScribble - Smooth Drawing for iOS in Swift with Hermite Spline Interpolation
- imWildCat/V2EX-iOS-ObjC - Now I'm working on Swift project. This project is deprecated.
- groue/GRDB.swift - A versatile SQLite toolkit for Swift
- sferrini/SFSwiftNotification - Simple custom user notifications in Swift
- apadalko/RadialTransition_swift - Great iOS radial (circle) animation transition for navigation controller, with custom back swipe. (swift)
- Rannie/Toast-Swift - Toast view using swift.
- thesecretlab/SwiftDevelopmentWithCocoa1stEd - Code from our book Swift Development with Cocoa (1st Edition), for O'Reilly Media.
- mnbayan/AutocompleteTextfieldSwift - Simple and straightforward sublass of UITextfield to manage string suggestions
- bizz84/MVCarouselCollectionView - UICollectionView-based image carousel written in Swift
- beltex/SMCKit - Apple SMC library & tool in Swift
- rbrockerhoff/SwiftChecker - A real-world OS X app written in Swift.
- jakeheis/SwiftCLI - A powerful framework that can be used to develop a CLI in Swift (updated for Swift 2!)
- tasanobu/Misen - Script to support easily using Xcode Asset Catalog in Swift.
- dphans/DPImageCache - Swift extension for UIImageView. Help loading image asynchronously and store local file cache.
- xxxAIRINxxx/ARNTransitionAnimator - Custom transition & interactive transition animator for iOS written in Swift.
- eRGoon/RGPageViewController - A custom UIPageViewController written in Swift
- DoubleSha/BitcoinSwift - A native framework for working with Bitcoin on iOS and OSX
- lotz84/__.swift - __.swift is a port of Underscore.js to Swift.
- jonomuller/Hodor-Keyboard - Custom keyboard for iOS 8 using Swift
- austinzheng/Lambdatron - Clojure(ish) interpreter in Swift
- FlexMonkey/SwiftSpace - CoreMotion Controlled Drawing in 3D Space
- AlwaysRightInstitute/SwiftyHTTP - A simple GCD based HTTP client and server, written in 'pure' Swift
- zhaokaiyuan99/PullRefresh - 用swift 写的 Refresh控件 支持继承uiscrollview的控件(uitableview,uicollectionview)
- genadyo/LivePhotoDemoSwift - Apple's Live Photo demo for older iPhones
- ctews/SwiftPulse - Pulsing animation for Swift
- JigarM/Infinite-UIITableview-Scroll - Infinite UITableview Scroll in Swift Language
- nvzqz/RandomKit - Random data generation in Swift
- kimar/PulsingLayer - Adds a customizable CALayer halo effect to any arbitrary UIView. Completely written in Swift.
- zalando/MapleBacon - MapleBacon is a Swift image download and caching library.
- xhzengAIB/XHNewsParsingSwift - XHNewsParsing is sina news client, use swift.
- stephen-squidink/SpriteKit-Swift - Learning SpriteKit with Swift
- mutualmobile/VIPER-SWIFT - An example Todo list app written in Swift using the VIPER architecture.
- Constantine-Fry/das-quadrat - A Swift wrapper for Foursquare API. iOS and OSX.
- poulpix/PXGoogleDirections - Google Directions API helper for iOS, written in Swift
- nscoding/sleep-osx - A Swift app to sleep your computer from Spotlight
- keygx/GradientCircularProgress - Customizable progress indicator library in Swift
- jessesquires/swift-sorts - A collection of sorting algorithms implemented in Swift
- robb/swamp - icon stamping in Swift
- ndmeiri/Panorific - An immersive, intuitive, motion-based way to explore high quality panoramas and photos on an iOS device. Panorific is implemented in Swift.
- muhammadbassio/MABCardsView - A Swift port for https://github.com/zhxnlai/ZLSwipeableView
- karan/Swift-Algorithms - Implementation of various algorithms and data structures in Swift.
- Mav3r1ck/Orbit7 - Open Source iOS Game created in SpriteKit with Swift
- CosmicMind/MaterialKit - A beautiful Material Design framework in Swift.
- nickoneill/thatthinginswift - Things you know how to do in Obj-C, now in swift
- aleclarson/dispatcher - Queues, timers, and task groups in Swift
- xxxAIRINxxx/SoundCloudTransition - Custom interactive transition like SoundCloud iOS App. written in Swift.
- tryolabs/TLMetaResolver - TLMetaResolver is an extension to UIWebView written in Swift that adds the ability to parse the meta tags in the loaded web page
- sgxiang/YTKKeyValueStore_Swift - A simple Key-Value storage tool, using Sqlite as backend.
- s0mmer/TodaysReactiveMenu - An example app using ReactiveCocoa 4, MVVM and Swift 2.
- ijoshsmith/swift-places - A universal iOS 8 app that makes network calls, written in Swift.
- fouquet/RFAboutView-Swift - RFAboutView is an easy, drop-in solution to display copyright, support, privacy and other information while also automatically crediting the developers of third-party Cocoapods.
- zhxnlai/UIColor-ChineseTraditionalColors - A swift extension that extends UIColor with a list of Chinese traditional colors
- tichise/MaterialDesignSymbol - Icon font library for Swift. Currently supports Google Material Design Icons
- supertommy/craft - A promise library based on the Promises/A+ standard written in Swift for iOS and OSX
- relevante/ibeacon-swift-tutorial - A Swift-based tutorial for getting started with iBeacon development on iOS 7/8
- kylef/WebLinking.swift - Swift implementation of web linking (RFC5988)
- ianhirschfeld/Swift-DeviceType - A series of helpers and extensions for identifying what device is interacting with your app.
- brynbellomy/FlatUIColors - Flat UI color palette helpers written in Swift.
- JakeLin/BeautyGallery - Beauty Gallery is an iOS App written in Swift
- FlexMonkey/SnapSwift - SnapSeed Style Popup Menu for iOS
- robrix/Either - Swift µframework of Either, which represents two alternatives.
- jianyaoang/UIColor-Swift-Extension - UIColor - Swift Extension. A delightful UIColor extension written in Swift for convenience purposes
- ariok/BWCircularSlider - This is the code for the ThinkAndBuild tutorial: "How to build custom controls in Swift"
- andresinaka/SwiftCop - SwiftCop is a validation library fully written in Swift and inspired by the clarity of Ruby On Rails Active Record validations.
- yannickl/DynamicButton - Yet another animated flat buttons in Swift
- thoughtbot/Curry - Swift implementations for function currying
- teodorpatras/SideMenuController - A side menu controller written in Swift
- souzainf3/RNLoadingButton-Swift - An easy-to-use UIButton subclass with an activity indicator
- oarrabi/Collection-Each - Adding ruby style each iterator to Cocoa/Cocoa touch Swift Array and Range classes, And Int.times{} to Int class
- anthonygeranio/CloudKit-To-Do-List - An app written in Swift to store and retrieve tasks using CloudKit.
- PandaraWen/PDChart - A simple and beautiful chart lib for iOS, developed in Swift - 一个简单易用的漂亮图标库,用Swift语言开发
- DahanHu/DHCollectionTableView - 用Swift实现的UITableView嵌套UICollectionView
- yayuhh/YYHRequest-Swift - Simple asynchronous HTTP networking class for Swift
- soffes/Mixpanel - Unofficial Swift Mixpanel client
- mbazaliy/MBSwizzler - Simple class for method swizzling in Swift
- jstart/Swiftly-Typed-Resources - A playground showing how Swift makes Strings, Colors, Fonts, Images, etc easier to deal with.
- deniskr/KeychainSwiftAPI - This Keychain Swift API library is a wrapper of iOS C Keychain Framework. It allows easily and securely storing sensitive data in secure keychain store.
- brimelow/Swift-Window-Blur - OSX Yosemite blurred window example using Swift
- artman/HexColor - Utility that lets you define UIColors in Swift as they've meant to be defined: as HEX values
- alexmeji/SFlatButton - Create a Buttons in Swift like Bootstrap 3.0
- NatashaTheRobot/SeinfeldQuotes - Building TableViews with Swift and iOS8 Demo
- JakeLin/iOSAnimationSample - This app is an iOS Animation playground to exercise different iOS Animations. The app is written in Swift.
- Elethom/PRSlideView-Swift - Slide view with UIKit-like methods, delegate and data source protocol. Swift language version of PRSlideView.
- Anviking/Chromatism - iOS Syntax Highlighting in Swift
- simple-machines/simple-touch - Very simple swift wrapper for Biometric Authentication Services (Touch ID) on iOS.
- rheinfabrik/Dobby - Swift helpers for mocking and stubbing
- madbat/SwiftMath - 📐 A math framework for Swift. Includes: 2D and 3D vectors, complex numbers, quaternions and polynomials.
- ankurp/unsafe-swift - C experiments in Swift
- schwa/iOS-8-SceneKit-Globe-Test - iOS 8 Scene Kit (swift!) project showing a spinning (earth) globe with diffuse, ambient, specular and normal materials. Also cloud layer. Yum.
- kwkhaw/Layer-Parse-iOS-Swift-Example - This is a Swift sample app that integrates Layer and Atlas with Parse.
- jquave/SwiftyCubes - A Swift demo of working with programmatic Views, using Dynamics, and handling touches manually.
- ChangweiZhang/Apple-Beginner-Project-for-Swift - Rewrite the beginner ios project using Swift, which Apple writes with Objective-C
- yushuyi/SYKeyboardTextField - SYKeyboardTextField is a lightweight, simple, non-invasive keyboard accompanying input box! Write in Swift!
- wvteijlingen/Spine - A Swift library for working with JSON:API APIs. It supports mapping to custom model classes, fetching, advanced querying, linking and persisting.
- palewar/CS193P - Code from CS193P iOS Development Swift Course
- andyshep/CoreDataPlayground - A Core Data stack built inside a Swift playground
- DeveloperLx/LxTabBarController-swift - Inherited from UITabBarController. To change UITabBarController interactive mode, LxTabBarController add a powerful gesture you can switch view controller by sweeping screen from left the right or right to left.
- evgenyneu/SpringAnimationCALayer - A helper function for animating CALayer with spring effect in Swift
- MrAlek/PagedArray - A Swift data structure for easier pagination
- liscio/SMUGMath-Swift - SMUGMath as realized in Swift
- gazolla/MapTable-Swift - Mimic Find My Friends first screen behavior
- auth0/JWTDecode.swift - A library to help you decode and parse JWTs
- loiclec/Linchi - Small web server written in pure Swift, designed for Linux.
- kylef/JSONWebToken.swift - Swift implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT).
- krzysztofzablocki/Swift-Observable - Native KVO like behaviour build in Swift.
- WickedLynx/AudioRecorder - A simple Mac audio recorder written in Swift
- Mailcloud/swift-serializer - Apple Swift Strong Type Object Serialization to JSON
- liyong03/YLGIFImage-Swift - Swift implementation of YLGIFImage
- kylef/CardKit - Model structures for building playable card games in Swift
- honghaoz/Swift-CAAnimation-Closure - Swift extension which adds start, animating and completion closures for CAAnimation objects. Aka, CAAnimation + Closure / Block
- hlian/jiffy - Parser combinators, for Swift
- caamorales/SphereMenuSwift - A port of itouch2's https://github.com/itouch2/SphereMenu to Swift
- JackrabbitMobile/JackrabbitRefreshSwift - A custom pull-to-refresh implementation for iOS in Swift.
- JJJayway/ReactiveSwift - High-performance Reactive extensions for Swift, inspired by ReactiveCocoa.
- 47deg/second-bridge - Second Bridge is a Swift framework for functional programming. Our goal is to make Swift development on par with other functional languages like Scala by adding new data types, functions and operators.
- xxxAIRINxxx/GooglePlayTransition - Custom transition like Google Play Store Android App. written in Swift.
- kitasuke/GoogleMaterialIconFont - Google Material Design Icons for Swift and ObjC project
- billylindeman/swiftgo - Short implementation of goroutines in apple swift
- DaRkD0G/Easy-Game-Center-Swift - Easy Game Center helps to manage Game Center in iOS.
- CosmicMind/GraphKit - A powerful data-driven framework in Swift.
- BjornRuud/Swiftache - A Mustache template renderer for iOS and OS X implemented in pure Swift.
- yagamis/IM_Swift2 - Swift 2.0版本 类似微信聊天APP及视频
- nschum/SwiftCGRectExtensions - A collection of CGRect, CGPoint and CGSize convenience functions for Swift
- mrackwitz/CatchingFire - Test Library for Swift's Error Handling
- jquave/EasyCast - Makes math operations in Swift easier by adding automatic casting between Int, Float, CGFloat, and Double. Use with care.
- davidstump/SwiftPhoenixClient - Connect your Phoenix and iOS applications through WebSockets!
- colourful987/swift2.0_PlaygroundStudyNote - swift2.0语法改动学习笔记,阅读官方文档,playground运行实例代码,并有完整注释
- yulingtianxia/HardChoice - 有时候作抉择真的很痛苦,Swift写的生活类APP
- supertommy/swift-status-bar-app-osx - example status bar application for OS X in Swift
- rob-nash/RRNCollapsableSectionTableViewSwift - Collapsable table view sections with custom section header views.
- mrap/SwiftJSONParser - Parse JSON like a badass
- ashfurrow/Swift-RAC-Macros - (Temporary) Replacements for the RAC and RACObserve macros in Swift
- a2/MessagePack.swift - It's like JSON, but fast and small…and Swift! – msgpack.org[Swift]
- Coneko/Promise - Simple promises library in Swift
- yonekawa/SwiftFlux - Type-Safe Flux implementation for Swift
- squimer/DatePickerDialog-iOS-Swift - Date picker dialog for iOS
- pkluz/PKLocationManager - A Swift based, centralized location manager, simplifying the CLLocationManager API by adding closures and automatically adjusting accuracy, based on the subscribers common needs.
- leoru/SwiftLoader - A simple and beautiful activity indicator written in Swift
- kylef/URITemplate.swift - Swift implementation of URI Template (RFC6570)
- behrang/YamlSwift - Load YAML and JSON documents using Swift
- ayanonagon/Polyglot - A simple Swift API for Microsoft Translator
- antitypical/Stream - Lazy streams in Swift.
- thibaultCha/TCBlobDownloadSwift - Powerful file downloads in Swift
- robrix/Traversal - Enumeration & iteration of collections in Swift.
- kylef/JSONSchema.swift - JSON Schema validator in Swift
- briandw/SwiftPack - MessagePack implementation for Swift / msgpack.org[Swift]
- Mozharovsky/XMLParser - A lightweight XMLParser for assembling and parsing XML values written for iOS 8+ in Swift 2.
- Kamaros/ELDeveloperKeyboard - An iOS custom keyboard extension written in Swift designed to make it much, much easier to type code on an iOS device.
- ActionKit/ActionKit - Easy, closure-based Swift methods for working with interactive UIKit elements.
- ynaoto/SwiftBreakout - Breakout game in Swift
- swiftjson/SwiftJson - Json to Swift Model Generator
- schwa/SwiftStateMachine - Set of Swift classes for building and operating a state machine
- morizotter/SwiftFontName - OS font complements library. Localized font supported.
- harikrishnant1991/JHProgressHUD - IOS HUD Swift Library
- cbpowell/MarqueeLabel-Swift - A drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when the label's text is larger than the specified frame — in Swift!
- puffinsupply/Restraint - Minimal Auto Layout in Swift
- mathewsanders/Custom-Menu-Transition-Swift-Tutorial - Same projects to create an animated menu in swift
- lypiut/WhereAmI - Easy to use Core Location library in Swift
- kfix/MacPin - Generate Site Specific Browser apps for Mac OSX using Swift, WKWebView, and Javascript
- MatrixHero/FlowSlideMenu - A FlowSlideMenu is written in swift
- rnystrom/Swift-CoreData - An extremely simple Core Data backed Swift app
- mbrandonw/learn-transducers-playground - A little tutorial written in Swift playgrounds to learn about transducers.
- johnno1962/SwiftRegex - Some regular expression operators for Swift
- insanoid/SwiftyJSONAccelerator - JSON to Swift Model Object files Simplified
- genedelisa/AVFoundationRecorder - Swift audio recorder using AVFoundation
- ColinEberhardt/ReactSwift - A prototype implementation of React in Swift
- tasanobu/Kamagari - Simple UIAlertController builder class in Swift.
- sivragav/swift-reference-pg - Swift Reference is a handy playground file that can be used when you are starting to learn swift
- nicklockwood/VectorMath - A Swift library for Mac and iOS that implements common 2D and 3D vector and matrix functions, useful for games or vector-based graphics
- jadekler/git-swift-todo-tutorial - A tutorial on writing your first 'Todo' app in Swift
- daltoniam/bumblebee - Abstract text processing and pattern matching engine in Swift. Converts text into NSAttributedStrings. Builtin markdown support.
- Vaberer/Google-Material-Design-Icons-Swift - Google Material Design Icons Library for iOS
- zwaldowski/ParksAndRecreation - Various Swift playgrounds, for fun and for profit.
- yume190/CustomView - IOS Custom View with xib(IOS 7 & 8) and Live Render (IOS 8 Objc & Swift). combine custom view with xib, live render(IOS8) and KVC
- jeffh/TestingInSwift - A sample project of tests in Swift
- iSame7/Summflower - Summflower is a swift implementation to the sexiest sharing icon based on Summly app
- hryk224/PCLBlurEffectAlert - Swift AlertController with UIVisualeffectview
- yuppielabel/YPDrawSignatureView - Capture signature view in Swift
- brimelow/Swift-Video-Tutorials - Code used on http://swiftvideotutorials.com
- trifl/Chirp - The easiest way to prepare, play, and remove sounds in your Swift app!
- tib/ProgressNode - A circular progress timer for SpriteKit games written in swift.
- puffinsupply/TransitioningKit - A Swift framework to simplify custom iOS view transitions.
- evermeer/AlamofireJsonToObjects - An Alamofire extension which converts JSON response data into swift objects using EVReflection
- danharper/JustDeleteMe-iOS - iOS App for JustDeleteMe (written in Swift)
- Donohue/CustomKeyboard - A custom iOS QWERTY keyboard written in Swift.
- zhxnlai/Algorithms - Answers to LeetCode questions in Swift and JavaScript
- yemeksepeti/YSSegmentedControl - Android style segmented control written in swift.
- nemesit/SwiftXMPP - basic XMPP client for iOS written in swift using XMPPFramework
- kirkness/react-native-swift-socketio - A react native wrapper for socket.io-client-swift
- i-schuetz/tableview_infinite - Infinite scrolling for UITableView in Swift, with background thread to request new data, and loading footer.
- KyoheiG3/Keynode - Interactive Keyboard Controller for Swift
- JasonZengJ/GridPanelDemo - A demo written in swift, for Flip Animation effects and Auto Layout.
- 6ag/microblog-swift - Swift2.1的新浪微博demo
- zhxnlai/ReactiveUI - A lightweight replacement for target action with closures, modified from Scream.swift.
- tadija/AEAccordion - UITableViewController with accordion effect (expand / collapse cells) & XIB in XIB - example in Swift
- sarchak/YikYak - A clone of Yik Yak using Swift for iOS 8
- raphaelmor/Polyline - Polyline encoder / decoder in swift
- globchastyy/SwiftUIImageEffects - Swift port of Apple UIImage+UIImageEffecs category.
- chriseidhof/literate-swift-old - Literate Swift
- MrAlek/Swift-NSFetchedResultsController-Trickery - A demo app accompanying the Swift NSFetchedResultsController Trickery blogpost on iosnomad.com
- AaronBratcher/ALBNoSQLDB - A SQLite database wrapper written in Swift that requires no SQL knowledge to use and can sync with instances of itself
- mrackwitz/Version - Version represents and compares semantic versions in Swift.
- mgigirey/iBeaconSwiftOSX - iBeacon Transmitter for OSX written in Swift.
- hughbe/phone-number-picker - A simple and easy to use view controller enabling you to enter a phone number with a country code similar to WhatsApp written in Swift
- FabrizioRadica/Swift-UITableView-StoryBoard - Swift+UITableView+StoryBoard
- DenHeadless/Transporter - Modern finite-state machine implemented in pure Swift
- yichizhang/StringScore_Swift - Swift string fuzzy ranking. Score of 0 for no match; up to 1 for perfect. "String".score(word:"str"); //=> 0.825
- xxxAIRINxxx/ARNZoomImageTransition - Custom image zooming animation transition & interactive transition. written in Swift.
- pixel-ink/PIRipple - Ripple Effect for iOS (swift)
- nghialv/GCD - A wrapper of Grand Central Dispatch written in Swift
- johnno1962/WatchkitCurrency - Swift Currency Convertor for iWatch with flexible interface
- jackcook/GCHelper - A lightweight helper class for GameKit, written in Swift
- f-dz-v/SwiftSTM - Haskell-like STM for Swift
- danthorpe/Money - Swift value types for working with money & currency
- daktales/MaterialDesignColorsSwift - All colors defined in Google Material Design guidelines available for OSX and iOS development
- crousselle/SwiftOAuth2 - A swift implementation of OAuth2
- acmacalister/Rogue - Framework Manager for Swift in Swift
- StephenHaney/Swift-Custom-Events - A very simple way to implement Backbone.js style custom event listeners and triggering in Swift for iOS development.
- sxyx2008/GolangStudy - 用Swift写的Golang学习App。使用蒲公英应用平台一键安装到设备
- minsOne/MOJailBrokenDector - It is converted swift language from JailBrokenDector project
- jankuca/swm - Swift Modules, a swift module (or package) manager #fuck_xcode #terminal_rocks
- evgenyneu/ios-imagescroll-swift - iOS demo of using image view inside a scroll view with auto layout in Swift
- antoninbiret/ABSteppedProgressBar - ABSteppedProgressBar is an animated and customisable stepped progress bar for iOS written in Swift
- LISNR/LNRSimpleNotifications - Simple Swift in-app notifications
- weissi/swift-undefined - Nano framework which defines Haskell's undefined in Swift.
- swilliams/DB5-Swift - A port of the DB5 configuration library
- neonichu/xctester - Commandline test runner for Swift.
- jorystiefel/stampicon - Mac command line tool to imprint a text banner over a PNG icon, written in Swift
- higepon/Swift-UIKit-Extensions - Extensions for UIKit in Swift
- dtissera/DTIToastCenter-Swift - A toast center for displaying quick toast to the user.
- danielpi/Swift-Playgrounds - Learning Swift by working through example code in playgrounds
- brotchie/SwiftTableView - Basic example of using the Swift language to populate a UITableView
- MHaroonBaig/Swift-Beautify - An iOS app written entirely in Swift, which let users design the interface of their choice
- KimDarren/IHateSwift - The first project of Swift-Based-iOS-Application. This project includes the UITableViewController, UIViewController, and UINavigationController based on Swift.
- pixyzehn/PZPullToRefresh - This is the simplest refresh control in Swift.
- jessesquires/JSQActivityKit - Swift UIActivities for iOS
- hamin/FayeSwift - Swift Client Library for the Faye Pub-Sub messaging server (http://faye.jcoglan.com/)
- coshx/caravel - A Swift event bus for UIWebView and JS
- Weebly/JSONValue - Simple, awesome JSON representations in Swift
- AliSoftware/Dip - Simple Swift Dependency container. Use protocols to resolve your dependencies and avoid singletons / sharedInstances!
- wangyandong-ningxia/Swift-CoreAnimation - A learning-by-doing project for Swift. (Core Animation, CAShapeLayer, CAAnimation+Closures ...)
- tsuchikazu/iTunesSwift - iTunes API implemented in Swift
- tib/LongShadow - UILabel extension to generate dynamic long shadow effects in swift.
- robrix/Memo - Swift µframework of Memo, a lazily memoized value.
- lingoer/SwiftWeiboKit - An delightful Sina Weibo library written in Swift
- joshualat/Pluralize.swift - Great Swift String Pluralize Extension
- inamiy/Await - Swift port of C# Await using Cocoa's Run Loop mechanism.
- filipealva/PickerView - A customizable alternative to UIPickerView in Swift.
- alikaragoz/Swifty-News - Simple app build with Swift
- al7/SwiftDateExtension - Date Extensions in Swift
- SemperIdem/BaiduMapSDKDemo-Swift - 使用百度地图 SDK创建的 DEMO,具体样式参考自官方 DEMO,使用 Swift 语言编写
- AshRobinson/InstaDude - An iOS Application written in Swift for viewing photos and videos on Instagram
- yuppielabel/YPMagnifyingGlass - Magnifying Glass for Swift
- the-hypermedia-project/representor-swift - Representor in Swift
- soffes/words - Example Thesaurus app written in Swift
- owensd/swift-perf - A collection of performance test for issues that I run into with Swift.
- netguru/roomguru - Roomguru is an open source Swift app for managing meetings in your busy working day.
- marketplacer/swift-badge - Badge view for iOS written in swift
- liscio/FunctionalDSP - An exploration of functional DSP programming ideas in Swift
- dparnell/swift-parser-generator - Experimental swift parser generator
- dennisweissmann/Basics - Basic Swift Classes, Structs, Enums and Other Data Structures
- bradley/iOSSwiftOpenGLCamera - An example app showing how use AVCaptureSession and OpenGL to apply shaders to live video (written in Swift).
- ashishkakkad8/AKSwiftSlideMenu - Slide Menu (Drawer) in Swift 2 and Xcode 7
- TDAbboud/PhotosGalleryApp - Swift application demonstrating how to use the Photos framework
- yusefnapora/ReactiveSwift - ReactiveCocoa, Swift, and kittens!
- soyzamudio/SwiftAppMenuController - Facebook's Paper.app like menu adapted to Swift from GTAppMenuController from Gianluca Tursi
- mitchellallison/nifty - A Swift front-end for LLVM written (mostly) in Swift.
- liufan321/FFAutoLayout - Simple Autolayout extension in Swift 2.0
- ijoshsmith/swift-factory - Shows how to instantiate classes by name in Swift.
- hirohisa/RefreshSlide - Reload with slide animation before/after refreshing for iOS written in Swift.
- delannoyk/AudioPlayer - AudioPlayer written in Swift (syntax & feature sugar over AVPlayer)
- dbgrandi/EulerKit - Swift solutions to Project Euler problems
- dankogai/swift-complex - Complex numbers in Swift
- ccarnino/StratosParallax - StratosParallax is an iOS library written in swift that makes easy to add a multi-stratos (multi view) parallax effect.
- TakeScoop/SwiftyRSA - RSA public/private key encryption in Swift
- NatashaTheRobot/ProtocolOrientedMVVMExperimentSwift - Protocol-Oriented MVVM Experiment in Swift
- 0x73/SDevIconFonts - Icons fonts for Swift (FontAwesome, Ionicons, Octicons, Iconic)
- yankodimitrov/SwiftKeychain - An elegant Swift wrapper around the Apple Keychain API
- tomlokhorst/Promissum - A promises library written in Swift featuring combinators like map, flatMap, whenAll, whenAny.
- theadam/SwiftClient - A simple HTTP client library written in Swift
- stuartbreckenridge/UISearchControllerWithSwift - UISearchController being used with Swift.
- s-aska/KeyClip - KeyClip is yet another Keychain library written in Swift.
- kohtenko/KOActivityIndicator - Easy styled, IBDesigneble and IBInspectable activity indicator on swift
- iluuu1994/Conway-s-Game-of-Life - Conway's Game of Life written in Swift
- floriankrueger/Manuscript - AutoLayoutKit in pure Swift.
- ctews/SwiftMemCache - Swift Memory Cache with namespace & TTL support
- antitypical/Assertions - Flexible XCTest assertions in Swift.
- LuciusLu/DeformationButtonSwift - Share loading button by Swift
- InderKumarRathore/DeviceGuru - DeviceGuru is a simple lib (Swift) to know the exact type of the device, e.g. iPhone 6 or iPhone 6s. For Objective-C please visit DeviceUtil (https://github.com/InderKumarRathore/DeviceUtil)
- FlexMonkey/MetalReactionDiffusion - Reaction Diffusion using Swift & Metal
- AlexLittlejohn/ALCameraViewController - A camera view controller with custom image picker and image cropping. Written in Swift.
- AhmettKeskin/LocalNotificationHelper - Local Notification with swift
- yannickl/Splitflap - A simple to use split-flap display for your Swift applications
- sraj/Swift-SRWebClient - A super simple http client library for iOS and OSX in Swift
- lexrus/JSCoreDemo - A tiny project demonstrates JavaScriptCore bridging in Swift.
- justin/KeychainAPI - A Swift-based wrapper around Apple's "lovely" Keychain API
- UnicornTV/Swift-Example-UIPageViewController - A simple example of a UIPageViewController built for iOS with Swift
- Skyvive/Swiftstraints - Auto Layout In Swift Made Easy
- JakeLin/ConflictResolver - ConflictResolver is an Apple Watch App written in Swift. It is a typical Rock Paper Scissors game.
- JackBCousineau/swift-chess - A simple chess game built for OSX using Swift 2.0
- AugustRush/ARCollectionViewDynamicSizeCell - An simple extension for caculating autolayout UICollectionViewCell size. Use for swift.
- xxxAIRINxxx/ARNInteractiveTransition - Custom interactive transition like Facobook Paper, Siori, AWA iOS App. written in Swift.
- williamFalcon/Bolt_Swift - Library for the missing bolts in Swift
- voronianski-on-games/GameOfLifeSwift - Game of Life implemented in Swift and SpriteKit framework
- suzuki-0000/HoneycombView - HoneycombView is the iOS UIView for displaying like Honeycomb layout written by swift 2.0
- sketchytech/Aldwych_JSON_Swift - JSON parser for Swift – for parsing, editing, creating and reconstituting of parsed data
- richzertuche/ZCarousel - A Swift Carousel made with Paged UIScrollView
- nuclearace/socket.io-client-swift-example - An example of socket.io-client for Swift
- neoneye/SpecificationPattern - Specification pattern implemented in swift (iOS/OSX)
- merlos/iOS-Open-GPX-Tracker - Open GPS Tracker app for iOS. Log your tracks without limits and share them. Open source GPX tracker app is written in Swift
- fcanas/Formulary - Declarative iOS TableView Forms in Swift
- MichMich/nRF8001-Swift - First implementation of a nRF8001 library in Swift.
- tichise/EntypoSymbol - Icon font library for Swift. Currently supports Entypo
- rlopezdiez/RLDNavigationSwift - Decouple navigation from view controllers using navigation command objects to define the possible navigation flows of your Swift app
- raulriera/HuntingKit - Wrapper for the ProductHunt API. Written in Swift
- ndavon/NDHpple - NDHpple is a Swift wrapper on the XMLPathQuery library.
- natecook1000/SortedCollection - An always-sorted collection type built for Swift
- haawa799/Metal-Flaps - Flappy bird done with Metal and swift
- god-long/GLCircleScrollView - SWift版的 无限循环轮播图
- bontoJR/RxAlamofire - RxSwift wrapper around the elegant HTTP networking in Swift Alamofire
- TransitionKit/Union - Context transitioning's animation manager for iOS written in Swift.
- tjhancocks/Pixel - A simple pixel art editor written in Swift.
- sunxiang0918/ZhiHuDaily-Swift - 个人练习swift用的 知乎日报的 IOS 客户端
- ricardorauber/iOS-Swift - iOS - Swift Reference
- ribl/FBAnnotationClusteringSwift - Swift translation of FB Annotation Clustering, which clusters pins on the map for iOS.
- melvitax/AFViewHelper - Convenience extension for UIVIew in Swift
- matthewpalmer/Playdown - Convert Swift Playgrounds to Markdown
- kevinvanderlugt/Swift-Walk-Tracker - An open source walk tracking iOS App written in Swift
- feiin/DWBubbleMenuButton.Swift - DWBubbleMenuButton(https://github.com/dwalker39/DWBubbleMenuButton) Swift Implementation
- devxoul/SwiftyImage - The most sexy way to use images in Swift.
- atveit/SwiftMetalGPUParallelProcessing - Data Parallel Processing with Swift and Metal on GPU for iOS8 (and beyond)
- MaximilianGoetzfried/MXStatusMenu - MXStatusMenu shows the cpu and network load in the menubar of OS X similar to iStatMenus. Written in Swift.
- CharlinFeng/CFPagesVC - Professional Multi controller management Framework based on Swift
- yuwang17/WYInteractiveTransitions - Customized transitions between view controllers for iOS. One Line of code with fully interactive animations. Written purely in Swift.
- yulingtianxia/Spiral - A Game Developed with Swift and SpriteKit
- yonbergman/swift-gameoflife - Conway's game of life written in Swift with SpriteKit
- vsco/swift-benchmarks - Unit tests for measuring performance benchmarks between Swift and Objective-C
- typelift/Aquifer - Functional streaming abstractions in Swift
- justinsacbibit/chat - Barebones iOS client for chat. Written in Swift.
- evgenyneu/Auk - An image slideshow for iOS written in Swift.
- dylan/swift-game-programming-patterns - Going through the patterns at http://gameprogrammingpatterns.com/ in Swift just for fun.
- davecom/DKAsyncImageView - A Swift subclass of NSImageView for loading remote images asynchronously.
- danielalves/megaman-ios - An 8bit Megaman game for iOS, using SpriteKit and Swift
- ch3n/ZAlert - show alert and action sheet easier way in swift
- Ekhoo/CommandBus - A light weight Command Bus implementation written in Swift
- DanielTomlinson/Latch - A simple Swift Keychain Wrapper for iOS, watchOS, and OS X.
- richzertuche/ZSocialPullView - Swift Social UIView inside UIScrollView
- remirobert/Crackers - Simple network library in Swift, for iOS and OSX
- okmr-d/DOHamburgerButton - Animated Hamburger Button written in Swift
- nghialv/Try - Swift µframework providing Try
- mmoaay/MBPageControllerFromMomo - 仿陌陌留言板界面,Swift实现
- dphans/DPNotify - DPNotify used to send short notifications on screen simple & quickly for iOS developing using Swift.
- dasdom/SlideControl - Horizontal slide control build with Swift 2.0
- azac/swift-faker - Fake user data generator for Swift, based off of Faker.js
- andyshep/Waypoints - Easy location tracking in Swift
- Wolox/ReactiveArray - An array class implemented in Swift that can be observed using ReactiveCocoa's Signals
- RobotsAndPencils/RPClarity - A Swift 1.2 playground that shows a technique for blurring an image behind the characters (glyphs) of one or more UILabels
- zixun/ZXOptionBar-Swift - An optionbar view implement by Swift and reuse it's cells like UITableVIew
- zackshapiro/swift-cheat-sheet - These are things I look up frequently or spent some time figuring out. I hope they help you too
- txaidw/TWControls - TWControls - Simple Controls (Button, Switch) for SpriteKit, written in Swift!
- thii/TextEthan - Clone of TextEthan - a messaging app that allows anyone to message you, written in Swift.
- tangplin/Scream.swift - UIKit's extensions to use closure in Swift
- sonsongithub/reddift - Swift Reddit API Wrapper
- iosdevzone/IDZSwiftCommonCrypto - A wrapper for Apple's Common Crypto library written in Swift.
- hawkfalcon/SpaceEvaders - Game in swift
- explicitcall/Wyrd - asynchronous programming in Swift made easy
- emaloney/CleanroomASL - A Swift-based API for reading from & writing to the Apple System Log (more commonly known somewhat inaccurately as "the console")
- danthorpe/YapDatabaseExtensions - YapDatabase extensions for use with Swift
- anpol/DispatchKit - An idiomatic Swift wrapper for the Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) Framework
- NatashaTheRobot/iOS8DynamicTypeDemo - Simple Seinfeld Quotes app build in iOS8 and Swift, with self sizing cells and Dynamic Type
- MrMatthias/SwiftColorPicker - An iOS HSB color picker implemented in Swift
- MauMaxxa/Spinner - A nice and beautiful spinner gears animation made with swift
- 4eleven7/Timesaver - Minimalist clock screensaver for OS X built with Apple's, new programming language, Swift.
- ulrikdamm/Forbind - Functional chaining and promises in Swift
- tmdvs/CoreGraphicsGraph - Draw a line graph with CoreGraphics in Swift. This code is intended to be an example of how you could use CoreGraphics to draw graphs and other similar UI elements.
- shamasshahid/SSRadioButtonsController - A Radio Button Controller class for iOS written in Swift
- samodom/UIKitSwagger - Simpler UIKit development in Swift
- rickyrobinett/SwiftRequest - SwiftRequest is a simple HTTP client for Swift.
- nottombrown/HausClock - Minimalist Chess Clock in Swift
- namanhams/Swift-UIImageView-AFNetworking - Swift version of UIImageView+AFNetworking.
- mdelamata/CoreDataManager-Swift - Swift CoreDataManager for multithreading environments
- lancy98/Calendar - iOS calendar component written in Swift
- kballard/swift-tsao - Type-Safe Associated Objects in Swift
- justintan/JSONGift - JSONModel in Swift
- ipconfiger/AnyDoor - Swift with no pain
- iMartinKiss/GrandSwiftDispatch - Not so Grand, not so Swift, and not so Dispatch
- hirohisa/Font-Awesome - Use Font Awesome in project written in Swift.
- hatena/swift-Sample-GitHubSearch - The sample code of Swift iOS app
- dsmatter/SwiftSortUtils - Useful functions and extensions for sorting in Swift
- davidkobilnyk/BNRGuideSolutionsInSwift - A port of the Objective-C code in iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 4th Edition to Swift. http://developer.apple.com/swift
- daniel-c/iSimulatorExplorer - A GUI tool written in Swift to browse and manage iOS simulators for Xcode 6
- chroman/CRGradientLabel - Custom UILabel subclass with gradient coloured background, written in Swift.
- bpolat/Swift-OCR-Demo-with-IDOL-OnDemand - Converting Images into text by using HP's IDOL OnDemand service - iOS app which is written with Swift
- VerbalExpressions/SwiftVerbalExpressions - Swift Port of VerbalExpressions
- NachoSoto/swift-genetics - First attempt at Genetics Programming (in Swift)
- JanGorman/Agrume - A lemony fresh iOS image viewer written in Swift.
- DrAma999/AFSwiftDateExtension - Extension to NSDate made in Swift to make life easier
- CryptoCoinSwift/SHA256-Swift - Swift framework wrapping CommonCrypto's SHA256 methods.
- zonble/SwiftSnake - A snake-game written in Swift language
- willdages/closest-beacon-demo - An iBeacon/Swift demo app
- thibaultimbert/swift-experiments - Fun with Swift
- ochococo/OOD-Principles-In-Swift - The Principles of OOD based on Uncle Bob articles.
- neonichu/Chores - A library for simplifying task execution in Swift.
- kaunteya/InfoButton - Simple and Lightweight Information Button for Mac OSX implemented in Swift
- kaiinui/Swift-UICollectionView-AFNetworking - Sample Swift Project using UICollectionView + AFNetworking Image and DAPagesContainer
- indragiek/AlamofireRACExtensions - ReactiveCocoa Swift extensions for Alamofire
- inamiy/DebugLog - DebugLog macro alternative for Swift.
- delba/JASON - Fast JSON parsing for Swift
- beltex/SystemKit - OS X system library in Swift
- asklausen/SKMapsCenter - Maps (iOS, Swift) - maintain center while zooming.
- adrianblp/taylor.swift - Taylor series expansion in Swift
- USDepartmentofLabor/Swift-Federal-Data-SDK - Federal Data SDK built in the Swift programming language. Follow the link for the documentation:
- SemperIdem/TVAnimationsGestures-Swift - 这是一个简单的可展开可合并的表视图,用Swift语言编写
- daltoniam/SwiftLog - Simple and easy logging in Swift.
- danielgindi/ios-charts - An iOS port of the beautiful MPAndroidChart. - Beautiful charts for iOS apps!
- realm/realm-cocoa - Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
- Carthage/Carthage - A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
- mortenjust/androidtool-mac - One-click screenshots, video recordings, APK installations for Android phones and smartwatches connected to your Mac
- insidegui/WWDC - WWDC app for OS X
- shinobicontrols/iOS8-day-by-day - Selection of projects accompanying the iOS8-Day-by-Day blog series http://www.shinobicontrols.com/iOS8DayByDay
- lexrus/VPNOn - Turn On your VPN like a hero.
- kanaka/mal - mal - Make a Lisp
- robb/hamburger-button - A hamburger button transition
- ariok/BWWalkthrough - BWWalkthrough is a class to build custom walkthroughs for your iOS App
- uacaps/PageMenu - A paging menu controller built from other view controllers placed inside a scroll view (like Spotify, Windows Phone, Instagram)
- dasdom/BreakOutToRefresh - Play BreakOut while loading - A playable pull to refresh view using SpriteKit
- Yalantis/Side-Menu.iOS - Animated side menu with customizable UI
- andreamazz/BubbleTransition - A custom modal transition that presents and dismiss a controller with an expanding bubble effect.
- nickoneill/PermissionScope - Intelligent iOS permissions UI and unified API
- ninjaprox/NVActivityIndicatorView - Collection of nice loading animations
- SugarRecord/SugarRecord - CoreData management library written in Swift
- zoonooz/ZFRippleButton - Custom UIButton effect inspired by Google Material Design
- hyperoslo/Presentation - Presentation helps you to make tutorials, release notes and animated pages.
- kostiakoval/WatchKit-Apps - Tutorials app for WatchKit
- szk-atmosphere/SAHistoryNavigationViewController - SAHistoryNavigationViewController realizes iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller.
- bennyguitar/News-YC---iPhone - The iPhone version of News/YC, a Hacker News reader and interactive iOS application.
- Yalantis/PullToMakeSoup - Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
- Yalantis/Koloda - KolodaView is a class designed to simplify the implementation of Tinder like cards on iOS.
- netguru/ResponseDetective - Sherlock Holmes of the networking layer.
- CarlosButron/Swift - Reusable apps code. Written in Swift
- artsy/eidolon - The Artsy Auction Kiosk App
- Ahmed-Ali/JSONExport - JSONExport is a desktop application for Mac OS X which enables you to export JSON objects as model classes with their associated constructors, utility methods, setters and getters in your favorite language.
- jathu/UIImageColors - iTunes style color fetcher for UIImage.
- shinobicontrols/iOS9-day-by-day - Selection of projects accompanying the iOS9 Day-by-Day blog series.
- CezaryKopacz/CKWaveCollectionViewTransition - Cool wave like transition between two or more UICollectionView
- FahimF/FloatLabelFields - Text entry controls which contain a built-in title/label so that you don't have to add a separate title for each field.
- skywinder/GaugeKit - Kit for building custom gauges + easy reproducible Apple's style ring gauges.
- gmertk/ParkedTextField - A text field with a constant text/placeholder
- bvogelzang/SevenSwitch - iOS7 style drop in replacement for UISwitch
- stakes/Frameless - A chromeless browser for iOS 8.
- michaelbabiy/RMParallax - The way to impress users on the first app launch.
- MHaroonBaig/MotionKit - Get the data from Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometer in only Two or a few lines of code. CoreMotion now made insanely simple 📡
- fastred/AHKBendableView - UIView subclass that bends its edges when its position changes.
- scotteg/LayerPlayer - Layer Player explores the capabilities of Apple's Core Animation API
- exchangegroup/Dodo - A message bar for iOS written in Swift.
- aaronabentheuer/AAWindow - UIWindow subclass to enable behavior like adaptive round-corners & detecting when Control Center is opened.
- shu223/watchOS-2-Sampler - Code examples for new features of watchOS 2.
- larcus94/ImagePickerSheetController - ImagePickerSheetController is like the custom photo action sheet in iMessage just without the glitches.
- codepath/ios_guides - Comprehensive open-source iOS guides
- kevinzhow/RealtimeGradientText - Gradient Text in Real
- johnlui/AutoLayout - 《Auto Layout 使用心得》系列文章代码仓库
- nixzhu/Proposer - Make permission request easier.
- tomvanzummeren/TZStackView - UIStackView replica for iOS 7.x and iOS 8.x
- indragiek/DominantColor - Finding dominant colors of an image using k-means clustering
- Brimizer/Slidden - An open source, customizable, iOS 8 keyboard.
- ArtSabintsev/FontBlaster - Programmatically load custom fonts into your iOS app.
- Imperiopolis/WatchScreenshotMagic - Quickly generates perfect Apple Watch screenshots.
- AshRobinson/GoogleWearAlert - An Android Wear style confirmation view for iOS
- cocoatoucher/AIFlatSwitch - A flat component alternative to UISwitch on iOS
- marcelofabri/BigBrother - Automatically sets the network activity indicator for any performed request.
- rounak/TwitterBirdAnimation - Replicating Twitter's bird animation that appears when app starts up
- czechboy0/Buildasaur - Free, local and automatic testing of GitHub Pull Requests with Xcode Bots. Keep your team productive and safe. Get up and running in minutes. @buildasaur
- andreamazz/GearRefreshControl - A custom animation for the UIRefreshControl
- kiavashfaisali/KFWatchKitAnimations - KFWatchKitAnimations creates beautiful 60 FPS animations for Watch by recording animations from the iOS Simulator.
- raywenderlich/SKTUtils - Sprite Kit helper classes and functions. From the book iOS Games by Tutorials.
- pixyzehn/MediumScrollFullScreen - Medium's upper and lower Menu in Scroll.
- ra1028/RAReorderableLayout - A UICollectionView layout whitch can move item with drag and drop.
- mikaoj/BSImagePicker - A multiple image picker for iOS 8
- GetHighstreet/HighstreetWatchApp - The WatchKit App built on the http://highstreetapp.com platform
- cjwirth/RichEditorView - RichEditorView is a simple, modular, drop-in UIView subclass for Rich Text Editing.
- danielbuechele/goofy - OS X client for Facebook Messenger
- nghialv/Transporter - A tiny library makes uploading and downloading easier
- philcn/Auto-Layout-Showcase - Project for demonstrating several auto layout techniques on iOS.
- nghialv/Hakuba - Cellmodel-driven tableview manager
- soffes/GradientView - Easily use gradients in UIKit.
- ptsochantaris/trailer - Managing Pull Requests and Issues For GitHub & GitHub Enterprise
- kylef/CommandKit - The swiftest way to write a command line tool
- evermeer/EVCloudKitDao - Simplified access to Apple's CloudKit
- imgly/imgly-sdk-ios - img.ly SDK for iOS
- ide/UIVisualEffects - Learn how to use UIVisualEffectViews with UIBlurEffect and UIVibrancyEffect in iOS 8 and up
- indragiek/MarkdownTextView - Rich Markdown editing control for iOS
- mobitar/Starburst - A collection of animated loading sequences for Apple Watch
- soffes/SyntaxKit - TextMate-style syntax highlighting
- ArtSabintsev/PrintlnMagic - An alternative for Swift's println() function along the lines of DLog.
- mfikes/replete - ClojureScript REPL iOS app
- KyoheiG3/DynamicBlurView - DynamicBlurView is a dynamic and high performance UIView subclass for Blur.
- soffes/valio - Valio Con 2014 Schedule
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveAnimation - Declarative animations using ReactiveCocoa signals
- jpsim/CardsAgainst - An iOS game for horrible people
- gmertk/GMStepper - A stepper with a sliding label in the middle.
- zhxnlai/ZLBalancedFlowLayout - A UICollectionViewFlowLayout subclass that scales items to take up space, optimized for large item set, inspired by NHBalancedFlowLayout.
- Isuru-Nanayakkara/IJReachability - A simple class to check for internet connection availability in Swift.
- aaronabentheuer/AAFaceDetection - Prototyping-Library providing easy access to iOS face detection features through NSNotification.
- citruspi/Spotify-Notifications - Bridging Spotify and OS X Notification Center
- szk-atmosphere/SABlurImageView - You can use blur effect and it's animation easily to call only two methods.
- nsdictionary/CFCityPickerVC - 城市选取控制器
- coolioxlr/watchOS-2-heartrate - watchOS 2.0 healthkit, heartrate streaming, start workout session
- aryaxt/ScrollPager - A scroll pager similar to the one in
- jpsim/SourceKitten - An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.
- dasdom/Tomate - This is in the App Store as Fojusi
- isair/ManualLayout - Easy to use and flexible library for manually laying out views and layers. For iOS 8+. Supports AsyncDisplayKit.
- Charimon/iosViews - Sketch plugin to generate ios view code
- mileswd/mac2imgur - A simple Mac app designed to make uploading images and screenshots to Imgur quick and effortless
- kevinzhow/NaughtyImageView - UIImageView Can Animate Sprite Image
- KyoheiG3/AttributedLabel - Easy to use, fast, and higher performance than UILabel.
- C4Framework/C4iOS - C4iOS Development Repository
- TakefiveInteractive/WeatherMap - WeatherMap combines weather info with map display. You can view the ongoing weather change of an entire region in one scroll! A tool designed for those of you who road-trip or travel around often.
- kgn/Hark - An example Text to Speech App
- LoganWright/SimpleChat - An Easy To Use Bubble Chat Interface
- nofelmahmood/CKSIncrementalStore - CoreData Store with Sync for CloudKit
- ra1028/PathDynamicModal - A modal view using UIDynamicAnimator, like the Path for iOS.
- nsdictionary/CFRuntime - 重磅推出:Swift版的MJExtension,运行时、反射与一键字典模型互转
- szk-atmosphere/SACollectionViewVerticalScalingFlowLayout - SACollectionViewVerticalScalingFlowLayout applies scaling up or down effect to appearing or disappearing cells. In addition, animation of UIDynamics applies each cell.
- jozsef-vesza/ExpandingStackCells - Expanding table view cells using UIStackView in iOS 9
- seivan/ScalarArithmetic - Better interoperability between different numerical types by using operator overloading and implicit casts conversions
- nothingmagical/coins - Bitcoin value tracker
- Yalantis/PullToRefresh - This component implements pure pull-to-refresh logic and you can use it for developing your own pull-to-refresh animations
- micazeve/MAGearRefreshControl - An iOS refresh control with gear animation
- FlexMonkey/ParticleLab - Particle system that's both calculated and rendered on the GPU using the Metal framework
- aschuch/StatefulViewController - Placeholder views based on content, loading, error or empty states
- cho45/KeyCast - Record keystroke for screencast
- terhechte/CoreValue - Lightweight Framework for using Core Data with Value Types
- jessesquires/JSQDataSourcesKit - Type-safe, value-oriented data source objects that keep your view controllers light
- remirobert/RRTagController - RRTagController allows user to select tag and create new one.
- cemolcay/MaterialCardView - Create material design cards quick and easy
- jspahrsummers/enemy-of-the-state - My talk explaining what state is and why it's so harmful
- CardinalNow/iOS-CircleProgressView - CircleProgressView
- remirobert/Kinder - The basics of a Tinder-like swipeable cards interface controller
- felixjendrusch/Pistachio - Generic model framework
- chriseidhof/OLD-functional-view-controllers - More Experiments in Functional View Controllers
- victor/whereami - get your location from the command line
- pixyzehn/MediumMenu - A menu based on Medium iOS app.
- soffes/ISO8601 - ISO8601 date parser and writer
- Weebly/TableSchemer - Interactive static table views with ease
- swordray/ruby-china-ios - Ruby China for iOS
- Carthage/Commandant - Type-safe command line argument handling
- contentful-labs/Stargate - A communication channel from your Mac to your watch.
- cacmartinez/CCMRadarView - CCMRadarView uses the IBDesignable tools to make an easy customizable radar view with animation
- osnr/Screenotate - Automatically annotate your screenshots
- mbogh/NibDesignable - Elegant way of enabling IBDesignable on your nib-based views
- troystribling/BlueCap - iOS Bluetooth LE framework
- Yalantis/PullToMakeFlight - Custom animated pull-to-refresh that can be easily added to UIScrollView
- ricardopereira/SocketIO-Kit - Socket.io iOS and OSX Client compatible with v1.0 and later
- KyoheiG3/SpringIndicator - SpringIndicator is indicator and PullToRefresh. Inspired by Material design components.
- nixzhu/Wormhole - A more elegant way for message passing between iOS apps and extensions.
- kyleweiner/KWStepper - A stepper control with flexible UI and tailored UX.
- kzaher/RegX - Prettify plugin for Xcode. It enables alignment of specific source code elements and makes code easier to read and understand.
- adafruit/Bluefruit_LE_Connect - iOS app for use with Bluefruit Bluetooth LE breakout board
- Alliants/ALAccordion - Accordion style container view for iOS
- jessesquires/JSQNotificationObserverKit - Generic notifications and observers for iOS
- dphans/DPTheme - DPTheme help you set default theme color for your app.
- bignerdranch/cocoa-programming-for-osx-5e - Solutions and errata for Cocoa Programming for OS X, 5th Edition. https://www.bignerdranch.com/we-write/cocoa-programming/
- DylanVann/DatePickerCell - Inline/Expanding date picker for table views.
- dasdom/DDHCustomTransition - Helper classes to make basic view controller transitions easier
- cemolcay/SlidingContainerViewController - An android scrollable tab bar style container view controller
- toygard/youtube-parser - YouTube link parser for swift
- robrix/Madness - Recursive Descent Into Madness
- ayanonagon/talks - A very short list of past and future talks
- nixzhu/KeyboardMan - KeyboardMan help you make keyboard animation.
- nghialv/Sapporo - Cellmodel-driven collectionview manager
- BananaKit/BananaKit - (FIXME: come up with witty tagline)
- lvnyk/BezierString - Rendering NSAttributedStrings along arbitrary UIBezierPaths
- SatanWoo/WZStoreHouseTableView - Scalable Table View like Store House app
- regexident/Pulsar - A versatile solution for displaying pulse animations as known from Apple Maps.
- kaphacius/IconMaker - an Xcode plug-in for making app icons
- jdhealy/PrettyColors - Styles and colors text in the Terminal with ANSI escape codes. Conforms to ECMA Standard 48.
- typelift/Concurrent - Functional Concurrency Primitives
- happywatch/watch-simulator - build prototype Apple Watch apps in Xcode before WatchKit becomes available
- TheHolyGrail/KillerRabbit - THGDispatch module, includes GCD bits such as Queues, Groups, Timer, Semaphore, etc.
- artman/Signals - A micro-framework for creating and observing events.
- shmidt/GooglePlacesSearchController - Google Places autocompleting address search controller
- mozhenhau/D3View - D3View,ui util
- kaishin/Verbena - Get image instances from Quartz drawing code.
- brightec/CustomCollectionViewLayout - Custom layout for a collection view using horizontal and vertical scrolling with sticky rows and columns
- soffes/WhatColorIsIt - Time of day as a color as a Mac screen saver
- eface2face/cordova-plugin-iosrtc - Cordova iOS plugin exposing the full WebRTC W3C JavaScript APIs
- ecerney/CollectionViewWaterfallLayout - Pinterest inspired layout for UICollectionViews
- lihei12345/CYFastImage - DEPRECATED
- pistolenernie/Spotify4Me - Implements a Widget for Spotify in the Notification Center of OS X 10.10 Yosemite
- rakaramos/StarButton - A bouncing star animation
- Carthage/ReactiveTask - Flexible, stream-based abstraction for launching processes
- jurre/TravisToday - An OSX Yosemite Today Widget for travis-ci statusses
- felixjendrusch/Marionette - Concise and type safe CALayer animations
- aaronpang/APDynamicHeaderTableViewController - A simple recreation of the header in the Instagram table view
- unicorn/FlourishUI - A highly configurable and out-of-the-box-pretty UI library
- honghaoz/Dynamic-Collection-View-Cell-With-Auto-Layout-Demo - Collection View on iOS with auto layout in UICollectionViewCell to create cells with dynamic heights
- fastred/BouncyView - Action Sheet animation based on Skype's iOS app.
- Eonil/CocoaProgrammaticHowtoCollection - A collection of programmatic how-to code examples for each cases to write a Cocoa GUI (AppKit) app and some non GUI stuffs.
- icanzilb/OneShotLocationManager - A replacement class for CLLocationManager for when you want to easily fetch the current device location
- cowbell/cordova-plugin-geofence - Geofencing plugin for cordova
- Antondomashnev/ADChromePullToRefresh - ADChromePullToRefresh
- remirobert/Anim - Animation library, using Core Animation. Designed for iOS.
- choefele/CCHDarwinNotificationCenter - Inter-process signaling for iOS and OS X with addressable receivers using the Darwin notification center.
- Dwive/CVCalendarKit - A wrapper around NSDate which provides a convenience way for dealing with dates.
- Kemcake/RSDotsView - A simple view that show pulsing dots
- indragiek/INDLinkLabel - A simple, no frills UILabel subclass with support for links
- contentful-labs/ContentfulWatchKitExample - Example for a WatchKit app using the Contentful SDK
- icanzilb/EventBlankApp - A free open source iOS app for events or conferences. Read more on the app's webpage:
- a2/arex-7 - An iOS application for remembering to take your medications. (Pronounced like the letters R-X.)
- soffes/Motivation - Mac screen saver that terrifyingly shows your age
- m0ppers/syncthing-bar - A statusbar for syncthing on Mac OS X
- henrinormak/Heimdall - Heimdall is a wrapper around the Security framework for simple encryption/decryption operations.
- IngmarStein/Monolingual - Remove unnecessary language resources from OS X.
- ataugeron/SpriteKit-Spring - SpriteKit API reproducing UIView's spring animations with SKAction
- azamsharp/WatchNotes - Notes on your wrist!
- voyage11/AutoLayoutBasics - Using Auto Layout in XCode 6 for iOS 7 and 8. How to use storyboard constraints with Compact, Any, Regular Height and Width together with Storyboard Preview Function.
- sandofsky/soon - Countdown App
- radex/DiffyTables - Practical and efficient WatchKit tables
- ykyouhei/KYDrawerController - Side Drawer Navigation Controller similar to Android
- tiagomnh/LicensingViewController - UIViewController subclass with a simple API for displaying licensing information.
- GuyKahlon/BackMenu - This is a simple iOS menu control inspired by Creative Labs applications of Facebook (Paper, Slingshot, Groups).
- andydrizen/UIViewRecorder - Record and export a view hierarchy to PNG or JPEG frames for flip book style animations (as used in WatchKit).
- NatashaTheRobot/watchkit - Sharing Data with WatchKit Examples
- 441088327/SYKeyboardTextField - SYKeyboardTextField is a lightweight, simple, non-invasive keyboard accompanying input box! Write in Swift!
- nguyenhuy/AsyncMessagesViewController - A smooth, responsive and flexible messages UI library for iOS.
- tfrank64/TiltingLoader - An interactive loading view you can tilt while you wait.
- pi3r0/PHFParallaxBackgroundCell - Framework with animate background cell to create a parallax effect
- pixyzehn/AirbnbViewController - Airbnb 4.7's three-dimensional slide menu. Unfortunately, this menu was obsoleted in Airbnb 5.0.
- zhwayne/ElegantProgress - 一枚优雅的小清新拟物化进度条
- nicolasgomollon/LPRTableView - A drop-in replacement for UITableView and UITableViewController that supports long-press reordering of cells.
- kubatru/JTSplashView - Create the beautiful splash view.
- paoloboschini/Icomations - Swifty hamburger animations
- nixzhu/Ruler - Size matters, you need a ruler.
- maxday/MDRotatingPieChart - An iOS library to draw beautiful pie charts
- VojtaStavik/ProtocolUI - ProtocolUI is a simple helper file providing very basic infrastructure for customizing UI elements via protocol extensions.
- ykyouhei/KYShutterButton - KYShutterButton is a custom button that is similar to the shutter button of the camera app
- nakajijapan/PhotoSlider - PhotoSlider can a simple photo slider and delete slider with swiping.
- lingochamp/FuriganaTextView - A simple wrapper view for UITextView that can display Furiganas.
- blackmirror-media/BMInputBox - BMInputBox
- ashfurrow/Nimble-Snapshots - Nimble matchers for FBSnapshotTestCase
- aleclarson/hex-kit - Convert hex triplets into UIColors and CGColors!
- vani2/SmoothStatusBar - Smooth Status Bar like Instagram or Mailbox
- soffes/bar - My Apartment Cocktail Menu
- sheagcraig/yo - Send Notification Center messages from the command line
- okmr-d/App-Launching-like-Twitter - Twitter-like animated Splash (startup animation)
- m2mtech/calculator-2015 - Calculator of the cs193p lecture (Winter 2015)
- owensd/SwiftLib - A basic library for missing types and functionality from Swift.
- mamaral/MAPageViewController - MAPageViewController is a simple wrapper around the most common boiler-plate UIPageViewController setup.
- SwiftEducation/WordCollage - An iOS app that displays a collage of fun topics, as a means for learning about Xcode, Auto Layout constraints, size classes, and action connections.
- SoCM/iOS-FastTrack-2014-2015 - Source code and assets for iOS fast-track 2014-2015
- ColinEberhardt/ReactiveTwitterSearch - A ReactiveCocoa 3.0 MVVM example
- tokorom/SegueContext - You can pass the context to destination view controller easily
- XWebView/XWebView - An extensible WebView for iOS (based on WKWebView)
- matthewpalmer/Regift - Easily convert a video to a GIF on iOS.
- exchangegroup/Cosmos - A star rating control for iOS / Swift
- devxoul/allkdic - [올ㅋ사전] 맥에서 단축키를 누르면 영어사전이 뙇!!!!
- SebastianOsinski/SwiftRandom - Collection of functions for generating psuedorandom variables from various distributions
- RuiAAPeres/Rinku - A simple networking library
- JaviSoto/Talks - A repo with the talks I've given at conferences, etc
- fmscode/JSONtoFoundation - OS X utility that converts a JSON object to a Foundation object that can be used in Cocoa/Cocoa Touch development.
- artman/Geometry - UIView and CGRect extension that adds properties to manipulate them efficiently
- airspeedswift/SwooshKit - Library of code from the Airspeed Velocity blog
- pixyzehn/MediumProgressView - A progress view based on Medium web app.
- paulgavrikov/xiaomi-miband-cocoa - Access Xiaomi MiBand from OS X via Bluetooth LE.
- jspahrsummers/Notifications - Demo iPhone app for viewing your GitHub notifications
- wircho/Curly - iOS library adding closure (block or callback) functionality to several native classes (alert views, buttons, sliders, storyboard segues, gesture recognizers, etc)
- alexfish/stylize - Modern NSAttributedString
- LiorNn/DragDropCollectionView - A UICollectionView which allows for easy drag and drop to reorder cells. Mimicks the drag and drop on the iOS Springboard when reordering apps (wiggle animation included!). Done entirely in Swift
- KittenYang/KYFloatingBubble - 类似iOS7中Game Center浮动气泡的效果。iOS7 Game Center Floating Bubble Effects.
- tylyo/APLineChart - IOS Line Chart
- ole/iphone-6-plus-rendering - Quick and dirty test apps to understand how the built-in downsampling to screen resolution works on the iPhone 6 Plus.
- exchangegroup/keychain-swift - iOS/Swift helper functions for saving text in Keychain securely.
- thorikawa/CircleCI-iOS-TestFlight-Sample - Demonstrate how to deploy an iOS app automatically to testflight using CircleCI
- remirobert/Camembert - Use sqlite3 for iOS and OS X simply.
- liushuaikobe/beauties - 😋 Give you a pretty girl every weekday.
- delannoyk/GIFRefreshControl - GIFRefreshControl is a pull to refresh that supports GIF images as track animations.
- crosswalk-project/crosswalk-ios - Crosswalk Project for iOS
- manavgabhawala/CocoaMultipeer - This repository is a peer to peer framework for OS X, iOS and watchOS 2 that presents a similar interface to the MultipeerConnectivity framework (which is iOS only) that lets you connect any 2 devices from any platform. This framework works with peer to peer networks like bluetooth and ad hoc wifi networks when available it also falls back onto using a wifi router when necessary. It is built on top of CFNetwork and NSNetService
- felixjendrusch/Pistachiargo - Model framework using Argo
- delannoyk/KDEDateLabel - KDEDateLabel is an UILabel subclass that updates itself to make time ago's format easier.
- aclissold/CardView - A simple iOS material design card view
- Artwalk/TimeHacker-OSX - Live a better life with TIME
- fastred/HamburgerButton - Animated hamburger button.
- NikantVohra/HackerNewsClient-iOS - An iOS client for Hacker News
- FlexMonkey/ParticleCam - Metal based particle system influenced by iPad camera
- rheinfabrik/Heimdall.swift - Easy to use OAuth 2 library for iOS, written in Swift by Rheinfabrik.
- mxcl/PipesNotTears - More Pipes. Less Tears.
- marcelfalliere/HomeKit - HomeKit sample code to add accessories to your primary home, and manages rooms, services, and update characteristics values
- hyperoslo/Pages - UIPageViewController made simple
- bobmoff/ScrollKit - Simple example of how to use UIScrollView in a SpriteKit project
- ReactKit/ReactKitCatalog - ReactKit UI examples.
- BradLarson/HealthKitHeartRateExporter - A simple sample application for exporting heart rate samples from HealthKit.
- nebhale/WhiskyNotebook - Whisky Notebook iOS Application
- hirohisa/PageController - Infinite paging controller, scrolling through contents and title bar scrolls with a delay
- behoernchen/Iconizer - Create Xcode asset catalogs swift and painless.
- NatashaTheRobot/ScrollViewAutolayoutExample - Two text fields centered in a ScrollView using AutoLayout
- ortuman/ComposedDataSource - A simple library that allows you to create complex table view layouts.
- KaanEmec/MaterialTextField - Simple UITextfield Subclass with cool material design animations.
- zhangao0086/iOS_AnimatedTransition - 自定义切换动画与交互动画
- saiwu-bigkoo/iOS-ViewPagerIndicator - Paging indicator widgets,iOS版的分页指示器,可以配合UIScrollView使用完成分页控制
- pietbrauer/CarthageLicenseScript - Download Licenses for Carthage
- honghaoz/AutoKeyboardScrollView - AutoKeyboardScrollView is an UIScrollView subclass which makes showing and dismissing keyboard for UITextFields much easier
- hgwhittle/HGWActivityButton - A UIButton subclass with a custom, built-in activity indicator
- happywatch/heartbeat - a prototype app for the Apple Watch designed for machine learning in healthcare
- ashfurrow/NSSpain2014 - Annotated playground for my presentation at NSSpain 2014
- Unicorn-Swift/Swift-Example-UIPageViewController - A simple example of a UIPageViewController built for iOS with Swift
- BourneWeng/MagicMove - 自定义转场动画示例
- taichino/PopupTest - Statusbar app on Mac with popup (Yosemite or later)
- robb/Monocle - Pretty much only a Lens
- raulriera/UpvoteControl - UIControl for up vote widgets found in Product Hunt and Reddit
- gali8/G8MaterialKitTextField - MKTextField Validation
- micazeve/MAActivityIndicator - Dot activity indicator
- jquave/CameraTutorial - Camera tutorial on JamesonQuave.com
- brewfactory/BrewMobile - iOS client for the Brewfactory project
- VincentSit/ChinaMobilePhoneNumberRegex - 匹配中国大陆手机号码
- SwiftEducation/Stopwatch - An iOS app that uses elapsed time as a context for practicing MVC, discovering the basics of threads, and applying NSTimer.
- ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveAnimation-MacDemo - OS X demo for ReactiveAnimation
- ashfurrow/MBLTDev - Sample code for MBLTDev
- DigitalLeaves/PlaceholderTextViewDemo - A IBDesignable subclass of UITextView with a placeholder behaving like a UITextfield