This ESP32 Firmware project is the complete package that will be loaded upfront into the device.
It consists of four function modules:
IoTMate.c – The main IoT device application
espPerso.c – The personalization workflow, which is triggered during the first Time Boot Process
DeviceID.c – All functions to generate key material, generate CSR, and store the Device ID in the trusted area
TrustPlatform.c – The trusted storage area that is part of the SPIFFS file. Therefor the SPIFFFS partition has to be part of the partitiontable. The Momory is encrypted with an on-demand generated AES Key.
Note: Configuration of the default parameters is done in the menuconfig.
The following prerequisites apply:
- Since the main IoT device uses an OLED Display, the Component folder with the sdd1306 package has to be included in the makefile.
- mbedtls must be added to the project. This is the core crypto library that is used.
Please follow the workshop tutorial on: KeyFactor Community Youtube
If you want to report a bug or request a new feature, please create a GitHub issue. We will get back to you as soon as possible.