This repository contains a Python script for real-time object detection using the webcam feed as input. The script uses the OpenCV library (Open Source Computer Vision Library) and a pre-trained model (in this case SSD MobileNet) to recognize and label objects in real time.
The script requires the following:
Python 3.7 or later OpenCV 4.0 or later Numpy A pretrained model and the corresponding class names file. In this case, the SSD MobileNet model is used with the COCO dataset class names.
To run the script:
Clone this repository to your local machine. Install the required packages. Place your pretrained model and class names file in the same directory as the script. Run the script: python
The script operates as follows:
Initialization: The script starts by setting a threshold for object detection and another threshold for non-maximum suppression. It initializes the webcam input using cv2.VideoCapture(0).
Class Names Loading: It reads the coco.names file, which includes the names of object classes that the pre-trained model can recognize. This list of names will be used to label detected objects in the output.
Model Configuration: The script configures the SSD MobileNet model by setting the input size, scale, mean, and swapping RB.
Real-Time Detection: The script enters a loop where it continually reads frames from the webcam, uses the model to detect objects in each frame, and draws bounding boxes and labels around detected objects.
Display: The detected objects, along with their labels, are displayed in real time using cv2.imshow().
Exit: Pressing the q key will exit the loop, causing the script to clean up and close.
Make sure your webcam is properly connected and working. If you want to use an external webcam, you may need to change the argument in cv2.VideoCapture(). Generally, 0 is for the built-in webcam, and 1 or higher is for external webcams.