- OneDark, OneHalfDark, and more @ Windows Terminal Themes
- JetBrainsMono NF, FiraCode NF, and more @ Nerd Fonts
- Essentials:
man curl wget gcc gdb git gh openjdk-17-jdk pipx
- Nice utilites:
nala tree micro bat most ripgrep tldr trash-cli
- Fun commands:
hello cowsay sl cmatrix toilet figlet lolcat jp2a linuxlogo nyancat
- WSLfetch and stuffs:
gnupg2 apt-transport-https wslu
- Normal:
git config --global alias.gl 'log --graph --all --date=format-local:"%d-%b %H:%M" --format=tformat:"%C(bold blue)%h%C(bold yellow)%d %Creset| %C(bold green)%ad %Creset- %C(red)%an %n%w(0,2,4)%C(italic bold white)%s %n%Creset%b"'
- Long (full SHA-1):
git config --global alias.gll 'log --graph --all --date=format-local:"%d-%b %H:%M" --format=tformat:"%C(bold blue)%h%C(bold yellow)%d %Creset| %C(bold green)%ad %Creset- %C(red)%an %n%C(magenta)%H %n%w(0,2,4)%C(italic bold white)%s %n%Creset%b"'
In windows, you need to escape the double quotes (replace " with \").