As beautiful as a shell
Program name | minishell |
Turn in files | Makefile, *.h, *.c |
Makefile | NAME, all, clean, fclean, re |
Arguments | |
External functs. | readline, rl_clear_history, rl_on_new_line, rl_replace_line, rl_redisplay, add_history, printf, malloc, free, write, access, open, read, close, fork, wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4, signal, sigaction, sigemptyset, sigaddset, kill, exit, getcwd, chdir, stat, lstat, fstat, unlink, execve, dup, dup2, pipe, opendir, readdir, closedir, strerror, perror, isatty, ttyname, ttyslot, ioctl, getenv, tcsetattr, tcgetattr, tgetent, tgetflag, tgetnum, tgetstr, tgoto, tputs |
Libft authorized | Yes |
Description | Write a shell |
Your shell should:
Display a prompt when waiting for a new command.
Have a working history.
Search and launch the right executable (based on the PATH variable or using a relative or an absolute path).
Not use more than one global variable. Think about it. You will have to explain its purpose.
Not interpret unclosed quotes or special characters which are not required by the subject such as \ (backslash) or ; (semicolon).
Handle ’ (single quote) which should prevent the shell from interpreting the metacharacters in the quoted sequence
Handle " (double quote) which should prevent the shell from interpreting the metacharacters in the quoted sequence except for $ (dollar sign).
Implement redirections:
< should redirect input.
> should redirect output.
<< should be given a delimiter, then read the input until a line containing the delimiter is seen. However, it doesn’t have to update the history!
>> should redirect output in append mode
Implement pipes (| character). The output of each command in the pipeline is connected to the input of the next command via a pipe.
Handle environment variables ($ followed by a sequence of characters) which should expand to their values.
Handle $? which should expand to the exit status of the most recently executed foreground pipeline.
Handle ctrl-C, ctrl-D and ctrl-\ which should behave like in bash.
In interactive mode:
ctrl-C displays a new prompt on a new line.
ctrl-D exits the shell.
ctrl-\ does nothing.
Your shell must implement the following builtins:
echo with option -n
cd with only a relative or absolute path
pwd with no options
export with no options
unset with no options
env with no options or arguments
exit with no options