This project's aim is to create a clone of R-Type game released in 1987 by Nintendo
git clone && cd cpp_rtype
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
First create your branch, or use existing one except master and preprod, because they are protected.
When your code works in your branch and passes all unit tests you created (min: 75% coverage), you can create a merge request to preprod branch. As assignee put @Kyashar or @KillianG. Then we will look at your code and if everything is ok, set merge request as ok and merge.
If something doesn't work in an other branch than yours, DON'T modify it by yourself, open an issue and the creator of the code will fix it.
You need to complete the UML after each accepted merge request. You won't be able to open a new one if it's not done.
UML incomming
Usefull links to help you understanding the project.
- What is R-TYPE:
- What is ECS:
- What is SFML:
Project: cpp_rtype
Language: C++
Authors: killian
`/+ooooo: Bernard erwan
.oss:.`.-` +s- .ss Killian Gardahaut
/ss+ /++os+++-.+++ss+++ Repo:
:sso` .--os/--``--:ss--- Number of lines: 24425
`/sso///+- /+. `++ License: MIT License