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anime-api The api used for the need of this website.


--> Php environment (use .htaccess must be enabled in localhost) or Directly Upload the code on php supported hosting (No editing Required Just Upload and Enjoy)


$conn = mysqli_connect("localhost", 'root' , '', "anime") or die("Connection fail"); // mysql database

`localhost` - host name, `root` - Mysql username, and leave it root if u're on localhost , `` - it's the password of the mysql and leave it empty if you're on localhost, 'anime' - It's the database name inside of the mysql, u can give it any name u want ~

$websiteTitle = "Zoro"; // website's name
$websiteUrl = "//{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}";  // if on local then after the `}` add a slash and `/name_of_the_folder`
$websiteLogo = $websiteUrl . "/files/images/logo_zoro.png";
$contactEmail = ""; // ur email

$version = "0.1"; // website version 

$discord = ""; // discord
$github = ""; // github
$twitter = ""; // twitter
$disqus = ""; // your disqus shortname
$api = ""; // api here without the '/' at the end

$banner = $websiteUrl . "/files/images/banner.png";

The table for the database is on the AutoAnime.sql

Local Deployment

You need to have xampp installed on your pc for following the intructions

Go check out on yt on how to install n use it yeah !

Make Sure You Edit $websiteUrl in _config.php before starting in localhost..
And Enable the use of .htaccess in PHP enviornment