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DPLL perf toy project

The goal of this toy project is to demonstrate some basic principles of performance analysis and profiling to middle-school students.

We start with a basic working implementation of the classic DPLL algorithm written in C++ without any performance considerations in mind: STL templates everywhere, it's OK to have excessive memory pressure due to new/delete, do not bother to employ custom data structures, etc. For input CNF, we use a randomly generated formula with 200 variables and 1500 clauses. This is a very small formula! Please note that DPLL works with arbitrary CNF, not just 3CNF.

There is a variety of tools for you to find bottlenecks in your code. In this mini-tutorial, we consider the most vivid way to visualize program behavior — flame graphs. This way, every hot spot in a code becomes apparent and easy to deal with.

We deliberately do not provide any automation such as shell scripts or Makefiles. It is good for studying to write your own automation script. We hope you will.

Step 0. Pre-requisites

  1. Grasp the idea of a flame graph. Read the document at
  2. Install FlameGraph utility. The project is a pack of scripts, so just grab repo and drop it to your favorite location, e.g. /opt.
  3. Install perf. On ubuntu with root privileges say:
apt install linux-tools-common

Step 1. Basic implementation

Switch to folder 00-baseline and compile the code. Note that we compile with optimization for speed, since it makes little sense to profile a debug build. Another important option -gdwarf tells gcc to insert DWARF debug information. This option allows our profiler to properly build the call stack. There are other ways, though.

g++ -O2 -gdwarf sat.cpp

At first, let's evaluate the total execution time:

$ time ./a.out ../random.cnf
real    0m27,452s
user    0m27,447s
sys     0m0,000s

On my CPU it takes ~30 seconds to complete the job. Pretty much time for such a small CNF! This justifies our intention to investigate bottlenecks in our code. It is time to build our first flame graph now. Follow the documentation and type:

sudo perf record -g ./a.out ../random.cnf
sudo chmod a+r
perf script > perf.trace
/opt/FlameGraph/ perf.trace > perf.folded
/opt/FlameGraph/ perf.folded > sat.svg

then open sat.svg in your favorite web browser: sat-prebuilt-try1.svg

This does not look like a flame graph at all! The reason is that perf did not use the DWARF debug information we provided, so it failed to build the call stack properly and we got junk. To fix it, we tell perf to use DWARF:

sudo perf record --call-graph dwarf ./a.out ../random.cnf
sudo chmod a+r
perf script > perf.trace
/opt/FlameGraph/ perf.trace > perf.folded
/opt/FlameGraph/ perf.folded > sat.svg


Good. Now the picture looks like a real flame graph, but a couple of flames on the left looks strange. They are not rooted in _start or main functions. A normal single-threaded application should not behave like that. Why did it happen? The reason is the stack size. By default, perf collects only 8K bytes of stack, but our application consumes much more. Telling perf to grab more stack data fixes this problem and creates another one.

Look carefully at file generated by perf. The size is almost 900Mb. After we increase the stack dump size, the file will consume much more space. This huge amount of data makes us no profit. The reason is a high sampling rate of 4KHz by default. For our toy project, even 1KHz is more than enough.

We came to the following script, and we won't change it anymore:

sudo perf record --call-graph dwarf,16384 -F 1000 ./a.out ../random.cnf
sudo chmod a+r
perf script > perf.trace
/opt/FlameGraph/ perf.trace > perf.folded
/opt/FlameGraph/ perf.folded > sat.svg


In this picture, you can see a series of recursive calls of CNF::solve_helper. Pay attention to CNF::is_pure method — it contributes a lot to execution time on this specific input file. Now dive into the source code:

    // l - signed literal
    bool is_pure(int l) const {
        bool found = false;
        for (const auto& v : clauses) {
            for (int t : v) {
                if (t == l) {
                    found = true;
                } else if (t == -l) {
                    return false;
        return found;

Nothing interesting. To check whether a literal is pure, one must process every clause. This can be improved if we preprocess CNF and collect all pure literals in one place, but before doing that, let's see where this method is being invoked. The only place is find_pure_literals:

    set<int> find_pure_literals() const {
        set<int> ret;
        for (int i = -nvars; i <= nvars; i++) {
            if (i == 0) continue;
            if (is_pure(i)) ret.insert(i);
        return ret;

Great! We found the real culprit. A huge amount of time is wasted by walking through the entire CNF for each literal in the initial range. Now it is obvious that this method must be rewritten.

    set<int> find_pure_literals() const {
        set<int> ret;
        set<int> bad_vars;

        for (const auto& c : clauses) {
            for (int l : c) {
                if (bad_vars.find(abs(l)) != bad_vars.end()) continue;
                if (ret.find(l) != ret.end()) continue;
                if (ret.find(-l) != ret.end()) {
                } else {
        return ret;

Evaluate the impact of this change on execution time:

$ time ./a.out ../random.cnf
real    0m12,058s
user    0m12,051s
sys     0m0,004s

Now it takes 12 seconds vs. 30 seconds! For further analysis, proceed to the next level.

Step 2. Improve your knowledge in tools and libraries

The updated code lives in 01-pure_literals_fixed folder. Compile, run, and build a flame graph using the cmds above. Then, let's analyze our new flame graph.


In this picture, you can see that find_pure_literals indeed become much less CPU-hungry. Also, it becomes clear that CNF::propagate_var_values comes on stage and demands attention. Before we study propagation, let's stare at find_pure_literals once again. Hmm... std::set::find is slow. If the author knew STL better, he would use unordered_set instead of set. Really, we do not care in which order variables are stored, we are only interested whether the element is in a set or not.

Now, after we replace std::set with std::unordered_set in find_pure_literals and all dependent locations, we can measure the performance boost:

$ time ./a.out ../random.cnf
real    0m8,004s
user    0m8,002s
sys     0m0,000s

We gained another 4 seconds.

The lessons we learned.

  • Know your tools/libs better. It may boost the performance of your code and your productivity for free.
  • Premature pessimization caused by ignorance is the root of all evil.

To be continued...


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