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This repo contains code implementations and reports for developing a multiclass sentiment classifier for tweets in the Greek language about the Greek General elections. For this project series 4 different approaches were followed, in order to showcase the evolution from training Machine Learning models to Deep Learning models up until finetuning Large Language models like BERT, which today(2024) is the new baseline. Projects 1-4 were implemented with the following algorithms and architectures:

  1. Logistic Regression
  2. Feed Forward Neural Networks (FFNNs)
  3. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) with LSTM/GRU cells + Attention
  4. Finetuning GreekBERT and DistilGreekBERT for Sequence classification

All 4 projects were implemented in the framework of Kaggle competitions for the course of Artifficial Intelligence II of the Department of Informatics in the University of Athens.

Development Environment and Libraries

  • Google Colab was used for training and fine-tuning of the models.
  • Python > 3.6
  • PyTorch
  • torchtext==0.6.0
  • MatPlotLib & Scikit Learn Libraries for implementing the model and plotting graphs
  • NLTK for loading and preprocessing the data
  • Transformers library (for GreekBERT)
  • Optuna (for hyperparameter tuning)
  • SpaCy (el_core_news_sm)
  • gensim (Word2Vec model)

Logistic Regression


  • Experiment Workflow: Uni-Bi-Trigrams with TF-IDF and Countvectorizer
  • Features: vectorised N_grams, count of positive, ount of negative words per tweet, tweet length in tokens
  • Hyperparameter tuning: GridSearchCV (cv=5)
  • Chosen model:
    • TF-IDF (uni-grams)
    • max features:1000
    • C= 1.0
    • solver: saga
    • regularization: L1 (Lasso regression)

Feeforward Neural Networks


  • Experiment Workflow: FFNN with different:
    • activation functions: ReLU, Randomized Leaky ReLU, SELU (Self-normalizing neural nets)
    • weight initialization: He, Glorot, LeCun
    • regularization techniques: dropout, batch normalisation, StandardScaler
    • output activation function: sigmoid, softmax
    • n_epochs: 10,40,50
    • batch_size: 10, 128
  • Vectorization: Avg Word2Vec (200d)
  • Hyperparameter tuning:
    • Optuna search space (num_layers: 1-3 , num_units: 4-128, dropout_rate: 0.2-0.5, optimizer: {Adam, RMSProp, SGD}, learning_rate: 1e-4 - 1e-1)
  • Chosen model
    • FFNN (RReLU)
    • n_layers: 1
    • n_units_l0: 43
    • RMSProp
    • epochs: 50
    • weight_initialisation: He
    • regularization: Scaling (StandardScaler), Dropout (0.4), Batch Normalisation
    • lr: 4e-3, scheduler: exponential (gamma=0.5)
    • batch_size: 128
    • output: softmax

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) with LSTM/GRU cells


  • Experiment Workflow:
    • Define a class that constructs a bi_RNN with LSTM/GRU cells
    • Find best parameters (based on Optuna best trial)
    • Use these hyperparameters for initializing the class with or without (additive) Attention mechanism
  • Embedding layer: Build Torchtext vocab and align it to my custom trained Word2Vec(200d) embeddings (vocab_size: 24032 tokens)
  • Hyperparameter tuning:
    • Optuna search space: (num_hidden_layers: 1-3, embedding (hidden)size: 64-256, cell_type:GRU|LSTM, dropout_rate: 0.2-0.7, gadient_clipping: 1-5)
    • N_epochs: 10,20,40
  • Chosen model
    • bi_LSTM + Attention
    • num_stacked_lstms: 2
    • hidden_size: 133
    • dropout: 0.23
    • batch_size: 256
    • lr: 1e-4
    • gradient_clipping_threshold: 5.0
    • epochs: 10
    • Adam

Finetuning GreekBERT/DistilGreekBERT


  • Experiment Workflow

    • Use the same experimentation settings in both BERT models: GreekBERT_uncased_v1 and DistilGREEK-BERT
    • Find those hyperparameters that minimize the validation loss and maximize validation accuracy in each language model.
  • BERT_for Sequence Classification:

  • Instead of using the BertForSequenceClassification class, a custom classifier was added on top of the original GreekBERT model architecture (Single-layer FFNN(768,50)+output_layer(50,3) +softmax) image

  • Hyperparameter tuning:

    • Epochs:2,3,4
    • Learning rate: 5e-5,3e-5,2e-5
    • Batch_size: 16,32
  • Chosen models

    • GreekBERT
      • Epochs:2
      • Batch_size: 32
      • Lr: 2e-5
    • DistilGreekBERT
      • Epochs:4
      • Batch_size: 16
      • Lr: 5e-5

Overal Comparison

Text preprocessing and evaluation results can be thorougly reviewed in the corresponding project reports. The GreekBERT model was the one to achieve the best performance in validation accuracy and loss (acc:0.43, loss: 1.045), which confirmed that the power of pretraining knowledge along with 2 epochs finetuning is enough to outperform training more complex neural network architectures. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the source dataset itself contains a lot of false positives, false negatives and false neutrals, making it hard to verify the applicability of the experimentation settings above. We aknowledge that the classifier's best performance is still equal to random guessing.

Contributor Expectations

One step towards improving this project is definitely data curation and more in-depth exploration of the tweet content to understand deeper patterns indicating emotion and specific handling of tweets with no textual content, containing only links and hashtags.


Extensive literature list can be found in the last section of each report