Extension can be found here:
0.1.8: fixed zip file uncompressing with missing path issue in Window
0.1.7: fixed Url to Path converting bug
0.1.6: Convert all async getContent to sync getContent before filtering and downloading
- Add Resource Collector for XHRs in case XHR getContent doesn't work later on - @ccinelli
- Add timeout 5s for getContent as in some case the getContent function take forever to run callback
- Resolve the filenames of XHRs request as some XHRs point to same url with different query string (filename filename-[hash] filename-[hash] ...)
- Add "Keep all No Content files" option
0.1.4: Change download file name into corresponding domain name instead of 'all.zip'
0.1.3: Downloading issue potential fix
0.1.2: File extension detector bug fixes.
0.1.1: Beautify(js-beautify) JS,HTML,CSS code before fetching.
0.1.0: Unicode file path/name compatibility.
0.0.9: Add a compressing option that fetch all resources from browser-cache, compress(zip.js) & download at once. Thanks to @shanligang for great idea/contribution!
0.0.8: Continue download on Chrome runtime error, bug fixes, violating path fixes.
0.0.7: Violating path fixes.
0.0.6: Bug fixes.
0.0.5: Improve stabitility. Bug fixes.
0.0.4: Including download for assests by XHR requests.
0.0.3: Bug Fixes.
0.0.2: Extension now re-fetchs resource contents from browser-cache in order to improve speed & stability.
0.0.1: Download all webpages by re-dowloading them from resource-urls.
Output results with same structure as online sources: