Releases: KoenVanNoten/HVSR_to_virtual_borehole
HVSR to Virtual Borehole Version 1.0
The purpose of the codes are to convert data output files of GEOPSY ( into more practical figures ready for scientific publishing. HVSR data analysis can be exported as .hv files. The rotational module in GEOPSY exports text files with rotational H/V data. This Python module contains several scripts that can read these raw txt files, stores them in a database csv so it can be used in a GIS, and replots the data into a Virtual Borehole and a polarisation polar plot.
The scripts accompany the following submitted paper:
Van Noten, K., Lecocq, T., Goffin, C., Meyvis, B., Molron, J., Debacker, T. & Devleeschouwer, X. submitted. Brussels’ bedrock paleorelief from borehole-controlled powerlaws linking polarised H/V resonance frequencies and sediment thickness. Journal of Seismology.
Koen, Thomas, Buddha