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Releases: KotlinIsland/basedmypy


21 Jun 02:04
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based on mypy 1.10


  • Callable syntax ((int) -> str) (#619)
  • FunctionType syntax (def (int) -> str) (#619)


  • Callable is no longer types.FunctionType (#619)


16 Jan 04:48
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Based on mypy 1.8.0


08 Dec 12:13
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Based on mypy 1.7.1


  • f-string format specs are checked (#543)
  • Narrow type on initial assignment (#547)
  • Annotations in function bodies are not analyzed as evaluated (#564)
  • Invalid casts show an error (#573)
  • Argument names are validated for subtypes (#562)
  • Type-guards narrow in the negative (#553)
  • Conditional types for asymmetric type-guards (#553)
  • Static conditions report an error (#553)
  • Regex groups are special-cased (#531)
  • f-strings will show an error if the value doesn't define a stringification (#565)


  • Show 'narrowed from' in reveal_type (#550)
  • --color-output is enabled by default (#531)
  • --ide will disable color-output (#531)
  • Output lines won't wrap if not connected to a terminal (#531)


  • Render star args in error messages properly (#551)
  • The first argument to cast is analyzed as evaluated (#564)
  • Decorated functions that return None correctly warn when used (#572)
  • Some impossible type-guards were not reporting an error (#553)


14 Oct 03:04
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Fixes a regression with the default config regarding explicit-override


12 Oct 22:46
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Based on mypy 1.6.0

Our agile development teams have been extremely effective with the use of burndown charts. They've already burnt down two floors of our new office 😊.


  • type-guards have been reworked from the ground up (#516)
  • TypeGuard is retained in inferred types (#504)
  • Type narrowing is applied from lambda execution (#504)
  • --ide flag (#501)


  • show-error-context/pretty are now on by default (#501)
  • Show fake column number when --show-error-end (#501)
  • Error messages point to basedmypy docs (#516)
  • Callable types in error messages don't contain mypy_extensions (#516)


  • Don't show "X defined here" when error context is hidden (#498)
  • Fix issue with reveal code in ignore message (#490)
  • Fixed union at join for same type literals. (#488)
  • Don't report false Any expressions when inferring lambda type (#515)
  • Correctly match overload when it contains an Any expression (#515)
  • Fixed the variance of Mappings key type (#527)


17 Aug 23:41
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Release to match mypy 1.5.1


08 Jul 03:39
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Basedsoft Announces Basedmypy 2.0

We are excited to announce the launch of Basedmypy 2.0, the next generation of the world's most based static type checker. Basedmypy 2.0 is built on the foundation of the original Basedmypy, but with a number of new features and improvements that make it even more powerful and versatile.

At it's core, Basedmypy 2.0 is designed and developed by our high-performing teams. Our team members are highly skilled and motivated, and they are committed to delivering the best possible product to our users. We believe that our high-performing teams are one of the key reasons why Basedmypy is the most based programming language on the market.
The development is powered by ground breaking techniques and earth shattering methodologies such as:

  • Agile development: Basedmypy 2.0 is built on an agile development methodology, which means that we are constantly iterating and improving the product. We release new features and bug fixes on a regular basis, so you can be sure that you are always using the latest and greatest version of Basedmypy.
  • Velocity Burndown Charts: We use velocity burndown charts to track our progress on development projects. This helps us to ensure that we are on track to meet our deadlines. We also encourage cross pollination between our teams and departments, which allows us to share ideas and best practices. This means that engineers, product managers, and designers can all work together to create better products.

We are also pleased to announce that Basedsoft has raised $80K in seed funding from a group of angel investors. This funding will allow us to continue developing Basedmypy and bring it to more users around the world and expand our team.

The New Basedmypy Experience

Basedmypy 2.0 is more than just a new version of the product. It is a new experience. It also represents a new way of thinking about static type checking. With Basedmypy 2.0, we are not just trying to help developers write correct code. We are also trying to create a more enjoyable and productive development experience.

That's why Basedmypy 2.0 includes a number of features that are designed to make static type checking less of a burden and more of a benefit. For example, Basedmypy 2.0 has a new, more intuitive interface that makes it easier to operate, that can help developers write better code faster.

The legacy experience has been wound down and sunset.

Acquisitions and Interns

In order to support the continued growth of Basedmypy, we have recently hired a team of interns. The interns will be working on a variety of projects, including:

  • Developing new features for Basedmypy
  • Improving the performance of Basedmypy
  • Creating documentation for Basedmypy
  • Testing Basedmypy

We are excited to have these new team members on board, and we believe that they will be a valuable asset to the Basedmypy team.

We are looking for more highly skilled, talented and unpaid interns to join our team. If you are interested in working on the future of Basedmypy, please visit our website to learn more.

We are also excited to announce that we have acquired new office space to accommodate our growing team. The new office is located in the heart of downtown Basedville, and it features a state-of-the-art development environment and a vibrant social space.

The office space features a completely open floor plan to provide increased rates of cross-pollination with a constantly rotating hot-desk arrangement. Of course, managers get their own offices, so they are able to focus on figuring out what the workers truly need.

We are confident that these acquisitions and interns will help us to continue to grow and improve Basedmypy.

We are excited to see what the future holds for Basedmypy. We believe that Basedmypy 2.0 is just the beginning, and we are committed to making Basedmypy the best static type checker for Python on the market.

We believe that static type checking is the future of programming. With Basedmypy 2.0, we are taking a step towards a future where code is safe, reliable, and maintainable by default.
We are confident that Basedmypy 2.0 is the most based static type checker in the world. It is the perfect tool for developers who want to write safe, reliable, and maintainable code. We invite you to try it out and see for yourself.

Thank you for your support!

We would like to thank the core development team, without which, this work would be impossible:

@KotlinIsland Founder and CEO of Basedsoft
@DetachHead Chief Experience Officer and Head of Advertising
@PixieRa Principal Pencil Pusher



  • Deprecate python 3.7 support (#457) Contribution by @Loch64
  • Allow denotation of tuple types with tuple literals (#458) Contribution by @Loch64
  • Removed --legacy flag in favor of --no-strict (#445)
  • default-return is now enabled by default (#445)


  • Removed Any from the typings for re.Match group functions. (#459)
  • Ignore Any from unused __init__.


  • Fix unsafe variance note (#452)
  • Fix crash with baseline filtering (#471)

2.0.0 release candidate 1

06 Jul 17:28
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See changelog for new features and fixes.

Based on mypy 1.4.1


25 Apr 23:12
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  • Support Intersection types (#357)

Based on mypy 1.2


18 Apr 22:36
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1.8.0rc1 Pre-release
  • Support Intersection types (#357)

Based on mypy 1.2