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rhoevm is a symbolic EVM execution engine written in Rust. It is inspired by hevm, which is implemented in Haskell. This project aims to provide a robust tool for analyzing Ethereum smart contracts by symbolically executing the EVM bytecode.


This project is currently under active development. Some features may be incomplete or subject to change.

1. Install

1.1 Prerequisites

Before building and running rhoevm, ensure you have the following installed:

  • Rust: Download and install from
  • Cargo: Comes with Rust as its package manager.
  • Z3 Solver: Required for constraint solving. Download from the Z3 GitHub repository.

1.2 Building from Source

Clone the repository and build the project using Cargo:

git clone
cd rhoevm
cargo build --release

# Optionally, copy the binary to a directory in your PATH
# sudo cp ./target/release/rhoevm /usr/local/bin/rhoevm

1.3 Running Tests

After building, you can run the tests to verify that everything is working correctly:

cargo test

2. Usage

2.1 Command-Line Interface

rhoevm provides a command-line interface for executing smart contract bytecode symbolically. The basic usage is as follows:

  • Options
`-i, --max_num_iterations MAX_NUM_ITER`: Set the maximum number of iterations for loops.
`-v, --verbose LEVEL`: Set the verbosity level (0: error, 1: warn, 2: info, 3: debug, 4: trace).
`-h, --help`: Display help information.

2.2 Example

Below is an example of how to use rhoevm with a simple Solidity smart contract.

  • Example Solidity Contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract SimpleContract {
    function check(uint32 x, uint32 y) public pure {
        assert(x + y != 142);
  • Symbolic Execution with rhoevm
# Compile the Solidity contract using solc or any preferred compiler.
# Assuming the compiled binary is located in ./example/build

$ rhoevm ./example/build/SimpleContract.bin "check(uint32,uint32)"
  • Output
   │  R H O  │
   │  E V M  │
 ╱ 🦀╲╲╲╲╲╲  ╲
╱   🦀╲╲╲╲╲╲  ╲ symbolic EVM
╲    ╱🦀╱╱╱╱  ╱ execution engine
 ╲  ╱🦀╱╱╱╱╱ ╱  written in Rust
[2024-08-12T22:37:29Z WARN  rhoevm] Currently, this project is a work in progress.
[2024-08-12T22:37:29Z INFO  rhoevm] Loading binary from file: ./example/build/SimpleContract.bin
[2024-08-12T22:37:29Z INFO  rhoevm] Target function signature: check(uint32,uint32)
[2024-08-12T22:37:29Z INFO  rhoevm] Calldata constructed successfully for function 'check(uint32,uint32)'
[2024-08-12T22:37:29Z INFO  rhoevm] Number of initial environments: 1
[2024-08-12T22:37:29Z INFO  rhoevm] Starting EVM symbolic execution...
[2024-08-12T22:37:30Z ERROR rhoevm] REACHABLE REVERT DETECTED @ PC=0x1db
[2024-08-12T22:37:30Z ERROR rhoevm] model: check(arg2=0x63,arg1=0x2b)
[2024-08-12T22:37:30Z INFO  rhoevm] Execution of 'check(uint32,uint32)' completed.

In the above example, rhoevm analyzes the check function of the SimpleAssert contract, highlighting a revert condition due to the failed assertion.

You can find more examples in example.

3. License

This project is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.