- Mastering advanced Git workflows for efficient version control.
- Utilizing GitHub features for collaboration and project management.
- Learning and adapting to the chosen UI library's components and conventions.
- Customizing UI elements to match the app's design requirements.
- Connecting with external movie and series APIs.
- Implementing efficient data fetching for movies and series.
- Handling API rate limits and optimizing requests.
- Setting up React Router for seamless navigation between pages.
- Implementing dynamic routing for detailed content pages with unique URLs.
- Creating a guest login system with session handling.
- Developing a rating page to display user-rated movies and series.
- Efficiently fetching and managing large sets of movie and series data.
- Implementing a robust caching strategy to minimize API calls and improve app responsiveness.
- Handling complex data relationships between movies, series, and user ratings.
- JavaScript
- React
- React Router
- TanStack Query
- TypeScript
- Tailwind
- Shadcn/ui
- connect with api
- fetching movies and series
- movies page
- series page
- home page
- footer
- menu with navigation
- implement dark mode
- deploy (netlify)
- routing via react router
- detail content page with url
- rating stars in rate modal, imdb inspiration
- login as a guest, create guest session
- rating page where are rated movies or series by user
- pagination
- search function
- fix loading function and error handling
- build page with info for not logged users
- build page where is no rated media
- api for detailed media
- detailed media page and connect with media card and searching
- responsive for multi devices