IOT based System using various Analog Sensors for smart Irrigation
Smart low-cost irrigation system using Arduino UNO, YL-69 soil moisture sensor, submersible dc water pump, HC-05 bluetooth module(additional)
The project describes smart irrigation system using the concepts of Internet of Things. The system consists of an arduino which is the microcontroller and controls a 5V semi- submersible water pump according to the water level in the soil. The system also consist a bluetooth module that can be used to connect the user’s mobile application to the system. The user can receive sensor data values over the bluetooth using mobile application. The system automatically turns the water pump on when the moisture level in the soil is very low and turns the water pump off when the moisture level reaches the threshold value.
The primary focus of this project is to help the farmers and reduce their work.
This project can be implemented in perennial plant irrigation land and gardening land.
- HC-05 bluetooth module Vcc to pin 5V of arduino uno
Ground to pin ground of arduino uno
Rx to pin 1(Tx) of arduino uno
Tx to pin 0(Rx) of arduino uno
- YL-69 soil moisture sensor A0 to analog pin 0 of arduino
GROUND to ground pin of arduino uno
Vcc to pin 5V of arduino uno
- DC water pump Black wire to ground pin of arduino uno
Red wire to pin 13 of arduino uno