Implementation of a simple 2D game engine for the windows console written in C#
I've decided to code this simple game engine in the high level C# because the main purpose of this is educational & for fun. I wanted to create a good OO design of the engine that will have a nice portion of abstraction and it'll be as versatile as possible. Because of this I went for such an easy to use high level language like C# and haven't used languages like C++. On the other hand, it wouldn't be so hard to translate the whole code base into C++.
The main resource I'm using while developing this is the book Game Coding Complete, Fourth Edition.
- Json.NET (Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package) -> This package is used for parsing JSONs
- System.Windows.Forms -> This is used mostly for message pump
The project is developed with Visual Studio 2017 but I think the older versions should be compatabile, too.
Just open the project with your version of VS and all the dependencies should be loaded automatically.
- Implement simple physics system for collisions detection
- Implement hook for the windows message pump to process input -> upgrading the InputManger
- Shut down phase of the game engine
- Documentation of the project
- Implement TimeManager -> static, containing elapsed game time, delta time
- Serialization