This collection of scripts is designed for use with Image Line’s audio editor, Edison. While the scripts don’t target specific use cases, they offer a variety of functionalities. Some scripts focus heavily on sample preparation and automation, streamlining sampling processes. Others serve as generators or experimental tools, providing weird and creative possibilities.
You need Edison to run these scripts. It comes with Image Line's FL Studio.
The scripts ar located here on Windows:
C:\Users\[windows user profile]\Documents\Image-Line\FL Studio\Settings\Audio scripts
Install Python.
pipenv install
pipenv install fl-studio-api-stubs
pipenv update fl-studio-api-stubs
Genereators/Noise Generator.pyscript
Bytebeat is a genre of music that creates rhythmic and somewhat melodic sounds without traditional scores, instruments, or oscillators. Instead, it uses a simple formula to define a waveform as a function of time, typically measured in 1/8000 of a second.
Bytebeat is a genre of music that creates rhythmic and somewhat melodic sounds without traditional scores, instruments, or oscillators. Instead, it uses a simple formula to define a waveform as a function of time, typically measured in 1/8000 of a second.