Application service for the InternshipMatcher project
NestJS | Microservices | gRPC | API Gateway | seperate databases
InternshipMatcher is a web application backend that matches students with copmanies offering end of studies internships
Key words: NestJS , Microservices , gRPC , API Gateway , seperate databases.
you can find the rest of the services here: :Authentification microservice :Application microservice :Offer microservice :API Gateway and Docker compose file :Shared Proto Repository
Authentification microservice: Handles the Register and Login process
Offer microservice : Employers can offer internships
Application microservice : Students can search and apply for internships
API Gateway : Handles all the API calls and sits between all the services and the client to ensure and provide a secured and organized API-based integrations.
Design Patterns used :
microservices | API GATEWAY | seperate databases
#### Dependencies
$ npm i @nestjs/microservices @grpc/grpc-js @grpc/proto-loader
$ npm i -D @types/node ts-proto
#### Installing prerequisite and accessing Proto Repository
$ npm install
$ npm run proto:install
#### Building Image
$ docker build -t application-svc .
Mehdi Jerbi |
Mohamed Ayadi |
Souha Loulou |
Mouhib Ben Jemaa