Founder of Flower Space & Co-Founder of Proxima
🚀 About Me
I'm passionate about space exploration, electronics, building model rockets, developing advanced avionics systems, designing flight computers and writing software for them. I also love chemistry, motorsport and aviation (lockheed my beloved).
🔧 Main Software that I use:
- KiCAD for PCB design.
- FreeCAD (Ondsel) 3D design for commercial use.
- Autodesk Fusion 3D design for hobby use.
- OpenRocket for Rocket design and flight simulation.
- CubeIDE and VSC for firmware/software.
- Saturn PCB Toolkit for PCB calculations.
📍 What I'm working on now:
- Stealth-inspired advanced model rocket.
- Hybrid Jet engine for it.
- Starting my own business.
- Developing Proxima Flight Computers and writing the software for them.
- 3D-printable aviation gadgets.