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KOwal's DOtfiles

desktop terminals


This repo contains my dotfiles and scripts that can easily set up a new mashine. Also this is backup of my desktop settings in case of any errors on my computer.


Clone repo.

$KODO dir is folder where KODO repo is cloned to (e.g. $HOME/projects/kodo)

Be sure to install stow (all install commands are prepared for Arch Linux).

sudo pacman -S stow

More information about program can be found here. Also see this article to understand how to use stow to manage dotfiles.

Be sure to remove files to be stowed from $HOME dir before use stow (e.g. delete/backup .bash*, .xinitrc files). Then execute commands from $KODO directory.

stow --target=$HOME bash
stow --target=$HOME bin
stow --target=$HOME bspwm
stow --target=$HOME dunst
stow --target=$HOME hour-bg
stow --target=$HOME polybar
stow --target=$HOME sxhkd
stow --target=$HOME vim
stow --target=$HOME x

Also it is worth to install these apps:

sudo pacman -S --needed --noconfirm curl gvim rofi feh pulseaudio playerctl compton acpi scrot numlockx exa sysstat dunst youtube-dl nodejs xclip make makepkg xss-lock libnotify pacman-contrib alsa-utils wget telegram-desktop

This project should be used alongside with my fork of dwm and fork of st terminal

Next create dirs for scrots and wallpaper:

mkdir -p $HOME/pictures/screenshots
cp $KODO/scrots/wallpapers/wallpaper.png $HOME/pictures/

Be sure to install AUR helper (e.g. yay)

cd $HOME
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
cd ..
rm -rf yay

Then install from AUR:

yay -S i3lock-color-git system-san-francisco-font-git ttf-ms-fonts vscodium-bin google-chrome vivaldi vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs spotify

And install manually:



  • .aliases - contains useful shortcuts.
  • .bash_profile - runs once on logon.
  • .bashrc - runs every time when bash starts (new terminal window is spawn). Loads aliases and creates custom prompt line:


  • .inputrc - this file defines how bash should work. Instead of using Emacs shortcuts it uses vim keys to navigate through bash prompt. Default there is enabled insert mode. To switch to command mode use Esc key. To distinguish modes there are two types of cursor. For insert mode bar/pipe | and for command mode block . For reference see this article.


Contains bunch of scripts available across the terminal. Worth to be mentioned:

  • set-dwm-status-bar - it is initialized in .xinitrc when system starts, and in the loop it prints dwm status bar.



Contains config files for notification app


Config and themes for hour-bg (app for change wallpapers dependent on the time of the day)


Config file for Vim.


  • .xintrc - runs when X session starts. Loads theme from .Xresources and opens dwm.
  • .Xresources - defines theme for system. Loads params from .xres folder.