Spin-AI is a prototype being actively developed to model inelastic neutron scattering data. It is construct by interfering an auto encoder with a feed-forward neural network.
For example, how would you fit a spin wave data that looks like this:
The goal for Spin-AI is to discover a hidden relationship between the two exchange matrices of the form:
to the inelastic neutron data above.
A simple PCA algorithm that relies on linear eigen-decomposition has proven to be able to accurately re-construct neutron data using 128 dimensions. To study the non-linear relationships between the latent space and neutron data we deploy a prototypical auto-enocder and trains it on 2000 simulated images. The results looks like this:
However our goal is not image2image but image-to-parameter. To extract the relationship between the latent space we now interfere our autoencoder with a Feed-forward neural network and train the global MSR loss using PyTorch. The architech of the Spin-AI is shown below:
We have discoverd that for synthetic data Spin-AI can accurately predict the exchange Hamiltonian parameters:
Currently we are testing Spin-AI on real experimental data such that instrumental resolution and noises becomes non-negligble.