It retrieves messages, sends messages, and handles the ping/ponging for you. I made this library to help me work Twitch integration into Unity games, but it works for any C# application.
.NET framework 2.0 or higher
Here's a quick example of a console application that simply relays chat messages until the program is closed:
//using TwitchIRC;
string nick = "KyleTheScientist";
string auth = "oauth:******************************";
string channel = "RufusMckain"
//Initializes and connects the listener to the server
ChatListener chatListener = new ChatListener(nick, auth, channel);
//The OnChatMessage event gets called whenever a public chat message is read and relays the message, the user who sent it, and the channel it was sent in.
chatListener.OnChatMessage += (string user, string message, string channel) =>
Console.WriteLine($"{user} said '{message}' in {channel}'s channel");
//The OnChatMessage event gets called whenever a message is sent to the IRC server, and relays the raw message data.
chatListener.OnRawIrcMessage += (string message) =>
You can get your oAuth code here.
If you want to stop listening:
To send messages via IRC:
IrcClient irc = chatListener.Irc;
irc.SendChatMessage("Hello world!"); //Automatically formats text to send as a public chat message
irc.SendIrcMessage("CAP REQ"); //Sends the raw text to the server