Starting place for ESNext libraries using Webpack
First, install Yeoman and generator-kyper-library using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-kyper-library
Then generate your new project:
yo kyper-library
npm run test
- run tests
npm run test:cov
- run tests and generate coverage
Visit travis to enable your gihub repo. Builds settings can be changed in .travis.yml
Selecting AWS S3 from the deploy options when running the generator adds deploy configs in .travis.yml
- Get your AWS Key and Secret from the AWS Console Credentials page
- Set the following environment vars within the Travis-CI repo settings page:
- Your AWS secretS3_BUCKET
- Your S3 Bucket
Visit code climate dashboard to enable codeclimate for your repo on Github. Coverage will be sent automatically by Travis.
Get the key from the settings->coverage page and place it in Travis environment variable as CODE_CLIMATE
MIT © Scott Prue