This is currently a WIP repo for a jailbreak application for tracking the progress of students away from Lancaster University Jailbreak challenge.
- Allow the safe and accurate tracking of the students progress as they try and get as far away from the university as possible
- Make the task of tracking students easier for the Jailbreak staff.
- Provide LA1TV with an interactive screen for an easier showing of the progress of the students
- Node / npm
- REthinkDB
- Imagemagick
##Getting Started I recommend install these nodeJS modules globally
npm install -g bower
npm install -g gulp
npm install -g pm2
When ready to build these commands can be ran
git clone
cd jailbreak-app
npm install
bower install
Please look at the .env example and change the values to fit your needs, you will need to reanme the file to .env to get the application started.
mv .env.example .env
After installing all of the dependencies the following command will run the core tasks to build the public assets.
A development server can be started by running the command. Todo find some way of reloading the browser when file chnages are also made.
pm2 start app.js